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Looking out the Window: Pamela Thibodeaux Talks about Kyleigh's Cowboy, Her New Novel, and Shares a Devotional about Hearing God


A Warm Welcome to Pamela Thibodeaux

Pamela shares a wonderful devotional.

Have you ever heard the audible voice of God? I have. I bet you have too, although you may not have recognized it for what it was. I remember a time when I was filled with shame and guilt and doubt because of the kind of life I was living. My husband and I attended a new church, a place we’d never set foot in before and there, in the quiet of the service I heard God say, very plainly, “You are forgiven.”

Did that change my life? Not completely but it did set me on the path to change.

Isn’t that what faith is all about–changing as we get to know Him and hear His voice in whatever means He uses to speak to us?

When I start writing a book, I don’t always know the referencing scripture. Most of the time I don’t even have a blurb or tagline or anything to develop the story around. I’m 100% panster when it comes to creating, but somewhere along the journey, these things fall into place (especially if I’m listening to the Holy Spirit who guides my stories as well as my life). This is what happened with Kyleigh’s Cowboy. A secondary character, a young woman whose life has been anything but easy, comes to know the Lord from hearing His voice, even though she never knew Him before and had no idea at first WHO was talking to her! Thus, our defining or supporting scripture…

 The Lord appeared to him from afar saying, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, I have drawn you with loving-kindness.” ~ Jeremiah 31:3 

The Bible gives us many scriptures that assure us God speaks to those who “have ears to hear.” It also gives us vivid imagery of Jesus’ invitation to turn to Him and let Him into our hearts, minds, and lives. Let us be quick to listen and to act but most importantly to move toward Him, instead of away in our darkest times.

Dear Lord,

Whether audible, a whisper on the wind or gentle knock on our hearts, may we be quick to hear, listen and obey Your voice.

About Kyleigh's Cowboy

She’s attempting to start a new life. He’s roamed for more than a decade. Can they let go of the past and grab hold of the future?

Seven years after the death of her husband, Kyleigh Winters turned their old vacation home into a brand new guest ranch. Not willing to join the ranks of lonely women trolling the bars or online in search of a man, Kyleigh is sure if God wishes her to have another husband, He’ll send the perfect someone in His own time. But will she be open to the possibility of new love when He does?

Searching for a place that calls to his soul, Lance Stevens has been a roaming cowboy for ten years since retiring from the Marines. He finds that sanctuary the moment he drives through the Silver Star’s gate and meeting the lovely owner speaks to more than his soul. Will he open to the healing power of love?

Get Pamela Thibodeaux's second chance romance novella today and see how love and faith conquers all.


Elaina lay on her bed, head spinning with dreams, heart dancing within her breast. Seth is so sweet! So much like Lance and yet…not. In looks they were almost identical. Except for the eyes. Seth’s were green and softer, kinder, than Lance’s dark brown ones.

He’d only been at the ranch a couple of weeks, but she and Seth spent every spare moment together. Is this what true love feels like?

Thoughts rose to taunt her, drowning out the sweetness…. No such thing as true love. You ought to know that by now. Nothing ever lasts. Not your mother. Not your brothers. What makes you think you deserve true love, anyway?

“Because I’m a good person.” She spoke into the darkened room. “Sure, I’ve made mistakes, but underneath I’m a good person. Please, God, give me another chance.”

Harsh laughter erupted in her ears. “God? What’s He got to do with anything? What makes you think He cares?”

“I do care, Elaina. If only you believe.” Quiet authority echoed in those words.

“Who are you?” she whispered, afraid to believe. Scared to hope God had heard her. And terrified she was more like her mother than she cared to admit.

“I am He who loves you with an everlasting love.”

A cloud passed over the moon, splayed shadows on her wall. Elaina jumped up and turned on the light. The bulb flashed then popped. Spooked now, she lit a candle to dispel the darkness. Too scared to venture into the shadowy house, she promised herself she’d change the bulb first thing in the morning. She awoke hours later to a room full of smoke and someone banging on her window. Coughing and choking, she stumbled from the room just as Seth busted through the front door. Lance barreled in behind his son and rushed into the bedroom to extinguish flames that had spread to engulf the dresser and most of one wall.

Buy Kyleigh’s Cowboy on




Bio: Award-winning author, Pamela S. Thibodeaux is the Co-Founder and a lifetime member of Bayou Writers Group in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Multi-published in romantic fiction as well as creative non-fiction, her writing has been tagged as, “Inspirational with an Edge!” ™ and reviewed as “steamier and grittier than the typical Christian novel without decreasing the message.” Sign up to receive Pam’s newsletter and get a FREE short story!  

Connect with Pam on:




Amazon Author Page






Thank You, SO much, Gail for hosting me and Kyleigh today!
I APPRECIATE your support more than words can express!
Congrats, Pam! Another fine book from you.
D. V. Stone said…
I think many don't hear God speak because they aren't listening or don't want to hear what He has to say. Others deny he speaks today. 1 Kings 19:11-12 God Bless you both. D.
Gail Pallotta said…
It's my pleasure to have you, Pamela.
Thank you So much Jacqueline for your continued support.

You are right, DV! Thanks for your support!

:-) Gail

Carol james said…
What a lovely post, Pam. And I love those verses from Jeremiah. Congratulations on your new release.
Thank You, Carol! I love those verses too and appreciate your support!

Awww LoRee....I'd take that hug any day! THANKS! I appreciate your support also.
Barbara Britton said…
Congratulations on another excellent book, Pam.
Thank you, SO much Barbara!
I appreciate your support.
Alina K. Field said…
This looks like such a great book! Congratulations!
Thanks Alina! Once I got into the groove, I really enjoyed finishing it and am pleased with the results. Hopefully readers will be too.

I appreciate your support!
Kelly Goshorn said…
Amen, Pam!
Thanks, Kelly!
I appreciate your support
Hi Pamela. I always like Gail's guests. I dearly hope your book does well. I recognize your name but have not touched base with you. The plot sounds great. Yes, God talks to us through the scriptures and it does us well to listen both to the Old and New Tewstaments. Jeremiah loved his people and wept for them.
Thank You, Larry I appreciate you stopping by and commenting.

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