Looking out the Window: Award-winning Author Kathleen Neely Talks About Her Journey with Jesus and Her New Book, Arms of Freedom
A Warm Welcome to Kathleen Neely Is Jesus real? Does the Bible change lives? I went to Sunday School as a child because it was the culturally correct thing to do. Mine was not a faith-based home. Somehow little nuggets of truth took root and began to grow. It was a slow journey. Let me rephrase that. It is a slow journey. Still ongoing. I once thought of the Bible as a book of do’s and don’ts. If I wanted to follow Jesus, I must do list #1 and must never do list #2. But that’s not what the Bible is. God’s word is life-changing. When I truly began to spend time with Jesus and study His word, I found my thought processes shifting. My heart desired Him more than earthly treasures. ‘Doing’ became an overflow of ‘knowing.’ Before He changed my heart, I never thought of myself as a sinner. I didn’t do really bad things, so I viewed myself as ‘good.’ I remember the day that I recognized my sin. Pride. Selfishness. It sent me to my knees in tears. I’d like to tell you that th...