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Showing posts with the label Puzzle

Looking Out the Window: Welcome Staci Stallings

        In her wonderful devotional Staci Stallings Shows Us How We Could Be Like the Children in her Sunday School Class.  Hiding the Obvious Kids are fascinating. If you watch them, they will teach you very profound lessons about life and yourself. A couple weeks ago in Sunday School, we did the infamous puzzle day. On that day we are talking about the Holy Spirit and how, if you let Him, the Holy Spirit can put your life together in such a way as to make it fit perfectly--not just for you but for everyone else too. I have this puzzle that's the picture of Jesus hugging the person who's just come to Heaven. In the sky is a rainbow representing the Father. Also above Jesus' head is a dove. The puzzle is like 560 pieces. Since I'm not good with puzzles and we have to put the thing together with 40 different kids in about 30 minutes, I have put nine pieces in each of 63 bags and numbered them. The idea is that each kid gets a "day's" worth of ...