I'm so happy to have Elaine Marie Cooper here with an inspirational devotional, "Unwrapped Hearts," and a giveaway for February. She'll also tell us about her new book, The Road to Deer Run, and share some of her reviews. Be sure to leave a comment with your email address (name at address dot com) for a chance to win a copy. I'll draw a name and announce a winner on Monday, February 7th. UNWRAPPED HEARTS Don’t you love those bright, beribboned heart boxes of candy that appear in the stores in February? You hope against common-sense hope (how many calories in those sweets?? Oh my…!) that maybe you will be one of the lucky recipients this year. But imagine receiving such a heartfelt gift from someone you love…only to discover that someone had been poking around in there beforehand, leaving undetected holes in the bottom of each candy. I would personally be hurt and more than a little disappointed. No one wants such a special gift to be ruined by someone’s selfish ac...
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