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Showing posts with the label Research Scientist

Looking out the Window: Penelope Marzec Talks about The Keeper's Secret, her New Romantic Suspense

  A Warm Welcome to Penelope Marzec First tell us a little about yourself. I grew up in a small town close to a bay beach. Everyone knew everyone else in that little town and there weren’t any secrets. In those days, the windows were open in the summertime because nobody had air conditioners. There were plenty of kids, all baby boomers. Most of the women didn’t work back then while raising their children and my mother was a kind listener who would also hand out good advice if asked. So, many of the women in the neighborhood came over to our house for a cup of coffee and a chat with my mom. Later in life, I told her she should have hung out a shingle proclaiming herself a counselor. Of course, as a youngster I listened to all the chatter, which is why I have lots of stories in my head.  When I was nine, I wrote my first “book” on yellow legal paper with green ink. I illustrated it, too. I knew it wasn’t good enough to be published but I enjoyed the process of writing so much I wante