Looking out the Window: Historian, Genealogist and Author Linda Weaver Clarke Talks About Her New Historical Series, Women of Courage, Based on True Experiences of Real Women
A Warm Welcome to Linda Weaver Clarke Linda introduces us to three stories about real Women of Courage of their era created from her ancestors' true experiences. Are Courageous Women in Stories More Interesting? Courageous women in stories seem to draw readers’ attention and grab their interest. The bravery and strength of character easily draws them into the story. It takes courage to stick up for one’s rights and defend one’s beliefs. During the 1840s, there were many brave women who fought against injustice and inequality. Many wanted to have a better education. These women made a difference and influenced others to make a better life for themselves. A fairly new historical romance series was released that has received outstanding reviews on Amazon and Audible Audiobooks. It is called Women of Courage . In these novellas, the spunk and courage of these women seem to draw the readers into a world of adventure. About The Light at the end of the Tunne...