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Showing posts with the label circus

Looking Out the Window: Liz Tolsma Introduces World's Greatest Love, Her Christian Circus Romance in the Rails to Love Collection

A Warm Welcome to Liz Tolsma Liz will give away a print copy of Rails to Love (U.S. Residents only). To enter to win leave a comment and an e-mail address below. Hi Liz, first, tell us a little about yourself. Iā€™m passionate about my writing and telling peopleā€™s stories. Iā€™m passionate about my editing and serving young writers by helping them to get their careers going. Iā€™m passionate about my family, which includes my husband and our three children. Iā€™m passionate about adoption, which is how our children came to be ours. Iā€™m passionate about gardening, walking, and camping with my family. Thanks for sharing with us. Tell us about your latest book.  My latest book is Worldā€™s Greatest Love in the Rails to Love collection. It just released last week. All of the stories in there have trains as an integral part of them. Mine is set on the Ringling Brothers circus train in 1896. It was a ton of fun to write ā€“ and research. All of the stops in the book are ...