Mildred talks about three new E-Books. She's giving away one. Winner picks! To enter to win leave a comment with an email address. Hi Mildred, First, tell us a little about yourself. Gail, thank you for inviting me here today. I’ve been writing for about ten years for Heartsong Presents, which is the romance line at Barbour Publishing. I have eleven novels published with them as well as two collections and one audio book. Learning to Lean is a new venture for me as I launch into ebook publishing and promotion. It’s exciting to reach into a new area of readers with my work. While I fully intend to continue writing for my Heartsong readers, I hope to reach many ebook readers with the stories I am now working on for Amazon. In fact, as my backlist becomes available, my goal is to rewrite some of those and publish them as ebooks as well as new, unpublished stories. It sounds as though we readers have lots to look forward to. Were you an avid reader as a child? O...