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Showing posts with the label Loving One Another

Looking out the Window: Victoria Simcox Talks About Jesus's Charge That We Love One Another and Her Children's Book, Norma Elliot's Secret Journal, Book One

  A Warm Welcome to Victoria Simcox Loving One Another  Jesus charged us with what seems impossible—to love one another. But how can we love others with that same unconditional love that Jesus loves us with?  Jesus knows all of our inadequacies, and he still gives us the command to love one another just as he loves us. He had shown a love that is comprised of acceptance, forgiveness, and compassion. It was a love manifest by unselfishness and putting others above oneself, a love that even exceeded cultural standardizations and opportunities. God is love and if we call ourselves godly, then we need to display to others the love of Christ. Love is what we should demonstrate to others whether they merit it or not. Love should be our submission and duty to God. It can be tough to love individuals we feel are trying but the grace of God will aid us in doing so. Pray for a loving and kind heart toward others, and that you will be a likeness of the love of Christ in the world. A...