MEET JENNIFER AND ASHE SLATTERY Be sure to click on K Dawn's name below to see Ashe's interview on K Dawn Byrd's blog Parenting on Your Knees This year our daughter starts high school. This is the age when kids either flop or flourish. They either self-destruct or blossom. Quite honestly, a great deal of the parenting’s already been done. More and more, I spend less time telling my daughter how to view the world. Most often, I listen as she tries to figure out how her views fit in with the world. Basically, her core values are set, although luckily, she’s turned into a very strong and committed Christian. I say luckily, yet luck had nothing to do with it. When she was young, I dreaded the teen years. We’ve all seen teens raised by wonderful parent spiral into self-destruction. We’ve watched relationships shatter and once sweet and cooperative children turn into angry, rebellious teens. But one thing I learned very early on—whatever battle we faced, whatever dis...
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