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Showing posts with the label salvation

Looking in the Window: The Love of Christmas and a Giveaway

Merry Christmas!  Luke 2: 11-12, “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. You will find a baby wrapped in cloths lying in a manger.” The greatest love the world has ever known started in a humble stable in Bethlehem when Jesus was born.  Later He suffered and died to conquer death for us. Knowing what he endured, it’s difficult to comprehend the depth of unconditional love He has for us. Before He was crucified, he preached a Gospel telling us to love one another.     Today with wars popping up and hate rhetoric we might wonder if we’ve run out of love, if we’ve abandoned it, or if we’ve forgotten where to find it. We can’t manufacture it. We can’t buy or demand it because we can’t dictate what’s in a person’s heart.  It must be given and received. It was given on Christmas in Bethlehem and again on the cross when Jesus died for our sins. We only need to accept it. Once we do, it lives inside us and spills over to ot...

When Is Christmas?

photo courtesy Google Some say Christ wasn’t born on December 25th. They claim Christians took the date from a Roman holiday honoring the sun or a sun god. While modern historians disagree about this theory many agree that the Romans revered the sun. Some claim Christians took the date to rival the pagan feasts that took place during the Winter Solstice, which honored a new age brought by the sun. Depending on location, the Winter Solstice occurs on or around December 25th. Every year in late October, festive decorations acknowledging the birth of Christ begin to appear in overwhelming numbers across the American landscape. By early December, a majority of homes have wreaths on their doors, candles in their windows, lights in the yards and red bows on their mailboxes. And jolly old Santa Claus sits in the middle of the mall to greet youngsters. Nativity scenes abound on people’s lawns, and this country’s biggest celebration continues until after December 25th, so when is Chri...