Summer's here. These are the days of good books and lemonade. I'm sending a virtual giant-sized lemon grown on my friend's farm in Florida, but the Strawberry Brownie recipe below and the .99 book sale are real for a limited time. About the Books Stopped Cold, a young adult mystery, is a great summer read or back-to-school gift. A Grace Awards Finalist, Stopped Cold finished 4th in the 16th Annual Preditors and Editors Readers Poll.(It's for young-at-heart adults too.) Flirting, swimming, fun with friends, it all changed when Margaret's brother, Sean, suffered a stroke. Readers say: Pallotta has written a truly inspirational book about how a family grows and comes closer together after a traumatic experience. (GABixler Reviews) Follow Margaret's journey to discover the depth of true character and faith not only in school and friends, but family. (Lisa Lickel) Buy on Amazon - Kindle copy .99 Buy on Barnes and Noble - Nook copy ...
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