Looking Out The Window: Katie Clark Discusses Her New Book, Whispering Tower, And Some Of Her Favorite Things
A Warm Welcome to Katie Clark Katie will share a few of her favorite things and tell readers how to enter to win a PDF copy of her new book, Whispering Tower. Hi Katie, how fun to hear about your favorite things. Hi Gail, thanks for having me! I loved the idea of doing a “favorites” post. I have so many favorite things, and I am always singing the song from "The Sound Of Music" in my head! So, I’m going to share a list of some of my favorites . I’d love if your readers would join me! Share a few of your favorite things and leave an email address to enter to win a PDF copy of my newest book, Whispering Tower. Speaking of Whispering Tower , here’s a bit about it before we get to my list! “Stuck in London for one of her mom’s work trips, Skye Humphries can’t help holding a grudge when she ends up roped into a summer tour group with Philip-who-crushed-her-heart. But when Skye and Philip find themselves barreling through time after unsuspectingl...