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Showing posts with the label Living Spirit

Looking out the Window: Writer, Blog and Podcast Hostess Patti Shene Gonzales Tells Us How She Knows Jesus Is Real

  A Warm Welcome to Patti Shene Gonzales Be on the lookout for a Christmas novella from Patti Hi Patti, Thanks for joining us today to discuss this important question. HOW DO I KNOW JESUS IS REAL? This interesting question is one that some may ponder for a period of time, while others will have an immediate answer.  I had a prompt answer, but I also dove deeper into my thoughts in order to present a more substantial rationalization for my belief. My immediate response to the question generated another question. Is Jesus real? Simple answer.  Yes. Then I stepped back and asked myself how we know anyone we have heard about in history is real. Take George Washington, for example. We learned in school that he was a great American military leader who eventually held the position of the first president of the United States. We know facts about him based on writings that have been recorded in history books for generations.  The first people who communicated those facts knew George Washington