Looking Out the Window: Gay Lewis Talks about the Latest Book in her Sarah Series, Sarah and a Date for Mackenzie, Gives Away an E-book
A Warm Welcome to Gay Lewis Gay will give away an e-book of the winner's choice. To enter to win leave a comment and an e-mail address below. Gay Shares a One-Hundred Year Old Cake Recipe Thanks for the inviting me to guest on your blog. You asked me to share about myself—maybe tell something I’ve never told. So I decided to give you a recipe—one I’ve never given to anyone. I call it The One-hundred Year Old Cake—it’s at least that old and it comes from Alabama, but before you get to the ancient cake, I’ll tell you a bit about me, the cooks in the family and my latest book. My mother was the best chef I’ve ever known, with my two grandmothers coming in second and third. My mom and her parents came to Texas from Alabama. Talk about good southern cooking—they both knew the secrets. My paternal grandmother moved to Texas from Tennessee—another excellent southern cook. My mom used to make this cake and gave me the handwritten recipe. Her mother brought it f...