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Showing posts with the label Linda Weaver Clarke Giveaway

Looking Out the Window: Linda Weaver Clarke Giveaway

A Warm Welcome to Linda Weaver Clarke  Hi Linda, Thanks for sharing with us. Tell us about your new book and your contest. Mystery on the Bayou is a Fun New Cozy! Book Giveaway Nov 23 – Dec 7 It’s time to get cozy once again with the Amelia Moore Detective Series. Louisiana, the land of bayous and gumbo! Crawdads, jambalaya, swamps, alligators, and plenty of Spanish moss hanging from the trees! Mystery on the Bayou, book six, blends a nice balance of mystery, intrigue, romance, and humor. Amelia Moore and Rick Bonito, two private eyes and a newly married couple, specialize in missing persons. To enter the contest, make a comment about the interview and tell me why you enjoy mysteries. Visit