American Summer Sunday-Go-To-Meeting in soft, cotton dresses, and open-collared shirts. Picnic on the grounds, after church. Wooden tables filled with ripe, red tomatoes, golden corn, garden green beans, and sprigs of mint for tea. Evening walks down a dusty, country road. Neighbors calling, "Come sit a spell; take off a load." Thoughtful moments all alone, chewing on a grassy blade sitting 'neath the tall oak's shade. Flags flying, watermelons cooling, folks sitting on Dresden Plate and Log Cabin quilts. Fireworks tonight! God Bless America! From Messages: Poems and Short Stories to Live By on Amazon There are so many things I love about America, I can't cover them all here, but I'll name a few. Freedom of religion The American Dream Americans Who Take Pride In Their Work America's Military... What do you love about America and want to preserve for posterity?
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