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Showing posts with the label Archaeologist

Looking Out the Window: Clare Revell Discusses Her New Mystery, Dark Lake

A Warm Welcome to Clare Revell Clare shares two of her favorite Bible verses, her favorite recipe and two excerpts from her new book, Dark Lake. Favorite Bible Verses  1 Peter5v7: “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” This is actually on a photo that I’ve had above my bed / my side of the bed since I was two, maybe younger. It’s always been there, always reminding me that Someone cares no matter how rotten I feel or how bad a day it’s been. What a beautiful picture. The other is Deuteronomy 5v33b: “Walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.” This always makes me giggle. But then I’m a huge Trekkie so it would do. Who’d have guessed that Live long and prosper comes from the Bible? And that came straight from Leonard Nimoy. Along with the Vulcan salute. Clare's Favorite recipe Welsh cakes - Pice ar y maen 8oz plain f...