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Looking Out The Window: Eileen Rife Talks About Her New Children's Book, Kenzie And The Spooky House Adventure, Shares An Authentic Indian Tea Recipe And Gives Away An E-Book

A Warm Welcome to Eileen Rife

Eileen shares a recipe for authentic Indian Chai and a Bible verse and gives away an e-Book. To enter to win leave a comment and an email address below.

A Favorite Indian Recipe Enjoyed by My Character, Kenzie (I like it, too!)

In Book one of my fictional missionary kid series, protag Kenzie lives with her family in India. Every afternoon around 4:00, Kenzie and her family enjoy tea and usually some kind of pastry or cake, all in good British fashion. She’d learned from her studies that the Brits ruled India as far back as the 1700s. India eventually gained its independence in 1948 but retained the custom of afternoon tea. The Indians add milk, sugar, and spices to their black tea, thus creating what they call chai. Various recipes abound for this drink, also now popular in the States. I’ve enjoyed chai on several occasions while visiting India, and whenever my missionary kids visit us in the States, they whip up a batch. The aroma alone is cause to keep a pot of this pleasing brew on the stove.

Below is a simple one-cup version.

2 black tea bags
2/3 cup water
½ cup whole milk
1 cardamom pod crushed

Boil tea bags vigorously in water for five minutes. Remove bags. Add milk and sugar (to taste). Boil until the milk rises. The mixture can be boiled longer for a creamier texture. Add the crushed cardamom and serve hot.

Oh my, what a great recipe to share, especially with the cool weather coming. Thank you!

 One of Kenzie's Favorite Bible Verses

In my book, Kenzie and the Spooky House Adventure, Kenzie comes face-to-face with her fear of the strange mask beside the door of the neighbor’s house. Her confidence grows as a result of quoting Psalm 56:3-4a: “Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, I will praise his word, in God, I have put my trust” (NKJV).

This scripture is especially close to my heart as my mother used to sit on the edge of my childhood bed during my nightly fears, hold my hand, and quote it to me. Years later, my grandkids sing it to me as a song.

About Kenzie and the Spooky House Adventure. How neat to have a children's book about a spooky house available in October.

Kenzie Gunter, new missionary kid in India, wants a friend but finds one in short supply. When an Indian family with a nine-year-old girl moves into the house next door, Kenzie urges her mom to make an introduction. But friendship in a foreign land proves to be a challenge. That doesn't stop Kenzie, however. Her humorous and sometimes dangerous attempts to connect with her neighbor keep the adventures coming . . . and the surprises!

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Eileen Rife is a multi-published author in both fiction and nonfiction. She and her husband conduct marriage seminars internationally. All three of her adult children and their families serve the Lord in fulltime mission work around the world. Visit Eileen at her websiteher blog and on Amazon.


Eileen Rife said…
Thanks for hosting me, Gail! Hope you get some time to cozy up with a good book and a cup of steaming chai!
Gail Pallotta said…
Hi Eileen,

It's my pleasure. I can't wait to try to chai!
Eileen Rife said…
Hi Readers!

Someone asked if Kenzie and the Spooky House Adventure has illustrations inside. No, it doesn't. However, the appendix provides a link to my blog where I post videos/pictures I took while visiting India. These illustrate much of the culture I address in the book. Below is the link to the specific page of my blog where you can "tour" India along with me and experience kitchen duty, gardening, the neighborhood, the city, a schoolroom, etc. Enjoy!
The idea of a spooky children's book sounds intriguing. In fact, the India culture has always been interesting to me. I would love to read this to my grandchildren.
Miss Mae said…
Hi Eileen,

It's nice to meet you and welcome to Gail's blog! Your tea does sound delicious, but color me crazy or whatever, but...what is cardamom? Where do you find it, and is it spicy like hot, or yummy like chocolate? Can you explain that, please, if I don't appear too stupid. LOL

It's great that you chose a young girl to write about. I can very well imagine how difficult it is to be in a strange place and to have no friends. That was the case with me as my family constantly moved around and I was always attending new schools. Scary! And lonely. But we didn't travel overseas, so I can't imagine how reclusive I'd be if we had!

Wishing you the best on your book!

Finbar said…
Hello Eileen... Kids books, for the 12 and under group, are very difficult to do because the reader is primarily interested in the "right now" of everyday life. It takes a special talent to find subject matter that will hold the attention of that reader. You seem to have found an ideal situation, moving around and making friends, and written about it. Great idea and good luck with book in the future!!
Eileen Rife said…
Thanks for stopping by, readers! Cardamom is a spice derived from several plants and can be purchased as powder or pod at most grocery stores, Walmart, online, or in Indian stores. It boasts a mild, warm, yet rich flavor, slightly sweet. The aroma alone is wonderful when a pot of chai is brewing on the stove.

My oldest granddaughters (age 9 at the time) helped me plot the story for Kenzie and the Spooky House Adventure, so I had some in-house experts, especially since they are missionary kids themselves. In fact, my oldest granddaughter is the model on the cover of this book.

Congratulations, Linda, on winning an ebook copy! I hope you and your grandkids enjoy the book and leave with a better understanding of life as a missionary kid.

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