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Looking out the Window: Regina Andrews Talks about Destiny's Designs, her Latest Book, Shares a Heroine Interview and Gives Away E-Books

A Warm Welcome to Regina Andrews

Regina shares an interview with Destiny's Designs heroine Lisa.

She will give away an E-book of Destiny's Designs to everyone who leaves a comment and email address below.

Hi Regina, That's so generous. Would you like people to review it?

Of course, I would appreciate that, but there are no strings attached.

I see. Tell us a little about Destiny's Designs.

First of all, thank you so much for hosting me on your lovely blog. I am delighted to be here!

It's my pleasure.

It is so exciting to share Destiny's Designs with you and your readers.

This book actually won the first prize award of ebook of the year in a national contest a few years back. Now I have updated it a bit, and I am so happy that it is also now available in paperback.

More good news! Destiny's Designs is the first volume in a brand new series that I am writing called the "Designs of Life" series. I am working on volume two now, called "The Designs of Providence."


About Destiny's Designs

Since experiencing a family tragedy as a young girl, maintaining control has been the focal point in every aspect of Lisa Machon’s life,  especially in her career.  She has carefully crafted every detail of her interior design business, which has led her to an incredible opportunity: planning the New Year’s gala for the wealthy Lamont family.

But when Countess Lamont finds that her most treasured vase has been mysteriously broken, she is devastated. Her son, Neil, wants to do whatever it takes to make her happy, including finding a replacement vase. Lisa joins him, although she is wary of his carefree ways. In their quest to find a new vase, will Lisa allow herself to let go...and find true happiness with Neil?

Buy Destiny's Designs on Amazon

Heroine Interview

Today we are chatting with Lisa Machon, the heroine of Destiny’s Designs.

RA: Thanks for chatting, Lisa. Would you tell us a little bit about yourself please?

LM: I am single, and I live in Newport, Rhode Island where I run my own interior design business called 'Innovations'.

RA: What is your most recent project?

LM: I was just selected to run the New Year’s Eve gala for a prominent social family in Newport.

RA: How is that going?

LM: It’s very exciting. I get along very well with the Countess, who selected me. Recently I was able to find a set of very rare vases for her which pleased her very much. Unfortunately one of the vases has been broken and I am now in the process of finding a replacement vase for her.

RA: Is it difficult to find a replacement?

LM: Yes, difficult, but not impossible.

RA: That's good. But a vase is so get it back to RI safely, will you have to travel?

LM: Yes, most likely to Europe. The Countess' son, Neil, is quite dynamic and and he is motivated to find a replacement for her as well. I am quite confident that we will be able to find the replacement vase for his mother and get it to her safely--although Neil and I have different work styles and very different temperaments.

RA: Interesting. What are some of your differences?

LM: Being a sailor, he is a bit carefree, not tied down. I am all business. Everything planned and organized.

RA: They say opposites attract…

LM: Oh no, I am alone in the world and my business is the only thing I have to rely on. There’s no way I could ever mix business and pleasure. It’s too much of a risk.

RA: If you say so. I can’t wait to see what happens. Thank you, Lisa.

LM: Thank you for having me.

After Lisa left I couldn’t stop wondering: everything in life cannot always be planned out. Is she prepared for the unexpected in her life?

Bio:  A resident of Providence, Rhode Island, Regina is inspired by the beauty of the natural world. Some of her hobbies include museums, theater, classical music, choral singing, and everything French. She is the author of The Sterling Lakes Series, Spotlight on Love, The Perfect Proposal, and In Good Faith, Book One of the Dunbar Falls Series. She is currently working on Book Two of The Dunbar Falls Series, Act of Faith. She is also in the process of finishing her two upcoming releases, Through Tomorrow's Door, and Book Two of the Designs of Life series, The Designs of Providence. 
For more about Regina’s writings, visit her website:


Sonja said…
This sounds very interesting! Thanks for sharing about your book!
Gina said…
Nice to hear from you Sonja! You are very welcome!
Gina said…
Gail, thank you so much for hosting me on your fantastic blog. I am so happy and honored to be here. And I'm really looking forward to chatting with all your readers!
Gail Pallotta said…
It's my pleasure to have you, Gina!
Lisa said…
This sounds great! Plus I love the heroine's name!:-)
Gina said…
Yes, I do, too! 'Lisa' IS a beautiful name! As in Mona Lisa, Lisette, and more. Plus, my mother's maiden name was Machon, so there are many sentimental attachments here. Thank you for your comment, Lisa :-)
Well I must add, my daughter's name is Lisa and Gail's former guest's name is Lisa so it is a win win situation. I like that your heroine, Gina, keeps a tight reign on her life. I envy her. Sounds like a nice story line and maybe this story will teach us how we can keep a tight reign on our life when we need to. I like the cover too and would like a vase like that somewhere in my library. Thank you, Gail for having Regina. She is always a joy to be heard.
Gail Pallotta said…
Hi Larry, Yes, she is, and it's my pleasure to have her.
Gina said…
Thank you, Gail, for hosting me on your lovely blog. And thank you, readers for visiting and leaving comments. I hope you enjoy "Destiny's Designs"!

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