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Looking Out The Window: Carol Raj Introduces Her New Teen Novel, Charlotte Masterson Gets A Life


A Warm Welcome to Carol Raj

Carol shares the story behind Charlotte Masterson Gets A Life.

I always loved books. When I was a child, the greatest punishment I ever got was my father taking away all my books until I earned them back, one by one, with good behavior. My favorite present was a book. But why did my relatives ruin the pristine pages by writing on them? “To Carol. Love, Aunt N and Uncle P.” At the time, it seemed desecration. Now, older and wiser, the books I keep from my childhood, I keep precisely because of those precious inscriptions.

It seemed fitting that, after years as a stay-at-home mom, I took a job as a high school library assistant. I pictured myself leading wide-eyed readers to new favorites. But most of the students who came to the library were the disruptive ones the study hall teachers didn’t want to deal with.

One girl wanted a book on state laws. What did she want to look up? Statutory rape. Her boyfriend was eighteen and she was only fifteen. Was it worthwhile to wait?

One boy had to read a novel with a minimum of 200 pages. I pulled down our go-to for reluctant readers. But it wouldn’t do. It was 206 pages. Six too many.

Then there was the girl who wanted a copy of one of Shakespeare’s plays. But in English please.

Those years working in the library were an eye-opener into the world of modern teens. Without them, I wouldn’t have been able to write Charlotte Masterson Gets A Life.

About Charlotte Masterson Gets A Life

 High school sophomore Charlotte Masterson isn't smart enough to be a nerd, musical enough to be a band geek, or pretty enough to be popular. But when the handsome quarterback unexpectedly asks her out, she becomes part of the in crowd. It's every girl's dream come true.

Too bad she still has to depend on good old Rodney, teachers' pet, for rides. Too bad her mother is so unreasonably strict. A ten PM curfew? Just because she lied? It's not fair.

But maybe there's more to other people than Charlotte realizes. And maybe she doesn't even know everything about herself. When Charlotte Masterson gets a life, life gets interesting.

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Charlotte Masterson Gets A Life Excerpt

“It’s your own fault, Charlotte.” Mom’s digging wet clothes out of the washing machine.

My fault? How can she possibly think that?

Mom continues. “We had simple rules, and you didn’t follow them. You not only didn’t follow them; you lied to us. That’s what I hate most of all. The lying. How can I ever trust you again?”

“But Mom…”

“There’s no but Mom.” She throws the clothes into the dryer like she’s pitching fastballs.

I understand that lying’s wrong. I didn’t like that Rodney lied to me about band practice. But when it comes to my mother, lying is the easiest way to avoid conflict.

“But Mom, Saturday night there’s a party for the football team. It doesn’t even start until eight. How can I be home by ten?”

“You should have thought of that before you broke the rules.” She slams the dryer door shut.

“But all the football players will be there. All the cheerleaders. All the cool kids.”

“So you’re a cool kid now?” Mom stares at me.

As long as I’m dating Tony, I’m in the cool crowd. I shrug.

“Will there be beer at this party?” Mom pushes the dryer’s start button. 

The clothes start going round and round just like my thoughts. How can I answer that question? If I say yes, I’ll be grounded. If I say no, I’ll be lying. I’m almost certain there’ll be beer. “If there is, I won’t drink any. I promise.”

“So there might be beer? Is that what you’re telling me? There might be beer at a party for underage teens?”

“Maybe. I don’t know. Nobody discussed the eating and drinking arrangements with me.”

I should not have said that. Not in that tone of voice. But it’s too late to take it back.

Bio: Carol Raj was born and bred in Illinois, went to college in Minnesota, and lived in both New York City and Boston before settling in New Hampshire. After forty-years, she and her husband moved to Georgia to be near family. They have been blessed with three successful children and six grandchildren. After publishing several stories for children, she published The Curious Prayer Life of Muriel Smith, a woman’s contemporary novel. Charlotte Masterson Gets A Life is her second novel and her first YA.

Learn more about Carol on her Website 


Karen Malley said…
This sounds like such a fun read! I love the background you provided on how you gained insight into teens, Carol. The older we get the harder it is to relate, but being around young people keeps us young. Looking forward to reading it!

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