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Looking Out the Window: A Blog Fest for Claiming Mariah by Pam Hillman

Join the Celebration! From now through Saturday, February 16th, Pam Hillman's Claiming Mariah's on Special for $1.99. Check out the Prize Vault offers open at  Pam Hillman, Author Events . New prizes offered weekly (ebooks, books, gift cards, handcrafted gifts made in Mississippi, bookmarks, etc.) with a grand prize of a Kindle or Nook (winners choice) on March 31st. About Claiming Mariah In light of her father’s death, Mariah Malone sends a letter that will forever alter the lives of her family. When Slade Donovan, strong willed and eager for vengeance, shows up on her front porch, Mariah is not ready to hear his truths: her father’s farm, the only home she’s ever known, was bought with stolen gold. With Slade ready to collect his father’s rightful claim and force Mariah and her family out on the streets, Mariah must turn to God for guidance. Though Mr. Fredrick Cooper, a local landowner, promises to answer her financial woes if she agrees to be his bride, Mar

Looking Out the Window: Welcome Award-winning Author Darlene Franklin

 Award winning author Darlene Franklin      discusses writing and talks about Lone Star Trail,  the first book in her new Texas series Hi Darlene, it looks as though reading has been a big part of your life. Were you an avid reader as a child? What did you read? My mother introduced me to the joy of reading as a young child (I can still quote large portions of The Cat in the Hat, which was fairly new when I was a child!) I graduated to Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys, but by the time I was ten, I was bored with the children’s section of the library and started reading adult novels. I had a marvelous list of books you should read before college, and I read as many as I could. I went through my Charles Dickens’ phase as a high freshman and Thomas Hardy as a junior. It’s always interesting to learn what inspires writers. What inspired you to write this particular book? I have a tremendous interest in the multitude of immigrants who have made America what it is. My first book, Ro

Looking Out the Window: Welcome Loree Lough

Loree will be giving away a copy of her new book, Beautiful Bandit . To enter to win leave your email address with a comment.I'll put the names on pieces of paper and have my husband draw one on Monday night, July 5th. Hi Loree, first tell us a little about yourself. Before I do that, I’d like to take just a moment and thank Gail for inviting me to her blog. It’s an honor and a joy to be here! A little about me, hmm? Well, I have brown eyes and blondish hair, I’m 5’1” tall, and weigh…. Thank the Lord those tidbits aren’t what you’re looking for! My dad worked for the Veterans Administration, so the family lived in a slew of cities. I held a myriad of careers to pay my way through school, and all that working and moving is probably responsible for my ability to talk to just about anybody, anywhere. For the past 20 years, though, I’ve lived in the same house and worked at the same job: Writing. And I love both. Being a people person is definitely a plus. Were you an avid reader as a