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Looking Out The Window: Donna Schlachter Talks About The Mail Order Brides Collection And Her Story In It, A Train Ride To Heartbreak. Gives Away A Copy.

A Warm Welcome to Donna Schlachter Donna will give away a print copy  of  The Mail Order Brides Collection  (U.S. Residents Only). To enter to win join the Rafflecopter giveaway below. Donna Shares The Story Behind Her Book, A Train Ride to Heartbreak The idea for this story came from a love of a movie and a friend with a great story to share. The movie was “The Fugitive”, both the original series pilot and the more recent remake. I loved the idea of a train ride leading to a second chance. My friend had recently taken a train ride from Denver to San Francisco, and she shared several delightful stories. I wondered if a train ride might be like a cruise in that it would provide an insulated environment where the travelers might do something they’d never done before. If so, this was perfect fodder for a romance, much like the old TV show, “The Love Boat”. And then I saw “Murder on the Orient Express”, and as a lover of anything Agatha Christie, decided to incorporate

Looking Out The Window: American Christian Fiction Writers March New Releases

March 2018 New Releases More in-depth descriptions of these books can be found on the ACFW Fiction Finder website . Contemporary Romance: Finally a Bride by Renee Andrews -- Her dreams of love haven’t worked out, but veterinarian Haley Calhoun intends to grant an orphaned boy’s wish. She’ll heal Eli’s injured puppy—while resisting his charming counselor, Gavin Thomason, at the children’s home. Still mourning the loss of his wife and baby, Gavin believes he can’t commit again. But in losing their hearts to Eli, will Haley and Gavin discover they’ve found the family they need? (Contemporary Romance from Love Inspired [Harlequin]) Love and Roses by Sally Bayless -- Looking for a fresh start, former Manhattan lawyer Nate Redmond agrees to arrange the sale of the outdated Rose Park in small-town Missouri, not realizing it has deep sentimental value to his new neighbor, Abby Kincaid—a beautiful widow he’d like to impress. When their plans for the park clash, he

Looking Out the Window: Read A Chapter and Vote On A Pirate At Pembroke, a Regency Novel With A Fun Twist--A Pirate

A Warm Welcome to Danielle Thorne and her dolphin friend Get a sneak peek at A Pirate at Pembroke , nominate it, and vote! Hi Danielle, tell us about this great deal for a sneak preview of A Pirate at Pembroke. Hello Gail and Friends, Are you ready for your next Jane Austen-inspired pirate regency? It's here! A Pirate at Pembroke is now available for a "sneak peek." I'm so excited for the upcoming release of my new clean regency, and I hope you are, too. This full-length novel is a delightful tale of family, friendship, and love at first sight. It’s up for an contract, which means I'm going to need your seal of approval (vote) after reading it at  Kindle Scout ! About A Pirate at Pembroke Sophie Crestwood is never going to catch a husband, and she isn’t even sure she wants one. Her father is a gossip, her mother always has her nose in a book, and little Jack has shamefully been dismissed from boarding school. Worst of all,

Looking Out the Window: Tamera Lynn Kraft Talks About Red Sky Over America, An Historical Novel Tackling The Evils Of Slavery

A Warm Welcome to Tamera Lynn Kraft First, tell us a little about yourself. I've always loved reading adventures. I love to write historical fiction set in the United States because there are so many stories in American history. I always include strong elements of faith, romance, suspense and adventure in my stories. I've received 2nd place in the NOCW contest, 3rd place TARA writer’s contest, and was a finalist in the Frasier Writing Contest. I have a number of novellas and two novels, Alice's Notions and Red Sky Over America, published. I've been married for 39 years to the love of my life, Rick. I have two married adult children and two grandsons. In August, I'm expecting the arrival of my third grandson. I've been a children’s pastor for over 20 years. I am currently the director of a ministry called Revival Fire for Kids where I mentor other children’s leaders, teach workshops, and am a children’s ministry consultant and children’s evangelist. I

Looking In the Window: Happy Valentine's Day from Nine Authors

"...But the greatest of these is love."  (I Cor.: 13 - 13) Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Prism Book Group’s Love Is Series... “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails...” I Corinthians 13: 4 - 8 Nine authors each chose one of these characteristics of love to write about, so there are nine novellas in the Love Is... Series.  Check out each book in the series  here   Mine is "it (love) is not easily angered." Look for it  here Wishing you a Valentine's Day and a life filled with love.

Looking Out the Window: Donna Schlachter Talks About A Bouquet of Brides Collection. Gives Away A Copy.

A Warm Welcome to Donna Schlachter Donna introduces us to A Bouquet of Brides Collection and shares an excerpt. She'll give away a print copy (U.S. residents only). To enter to win join the Rafflecopter giveaway below. About A Bouquet of Brides Collection Lily Duncan—“Cactus Lil” to friend and foe alike—is as prickly as her name implies, and she likes it that way. Arizona in 1885 is a land as harsh as the moon, but Lil, born and raised near Cave Creek, feels at one with the sand, rocks, and giant saguaros. She loves living in the desert, and is happiest on her own on her small cattle ranch near Cave Creek, Arizona. Although she’s never been in love before, she pens romantic short stories for a magazine under her pen name of Daisy Duncan. Peter Golding has never been west of the Mississippi, but a tender young woman named Daisy who writes of love and relationships intrigues him. Through reading her powerful descriptions of what love should be, Daisy’s sto