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Looking out the Window: Multi-award-winning, Best Selling Author Nancy Mehl talks about Her Latest Book, Cold Threat, the Second Novel in the Ryland St.Clair Series. Giveaway.

  A Warm Welcome to Nancy Mehl Nancy will give away a print copy of  her latest book, Cold Threat (U.S. residents only). To enter to win leave a comment and an email address below and enter the Rafflecopter contest. Hi Nancy, first, tell us a little about yourself. I’m a wife, mother, and a writer. I’ve been writing for over twenty-five years and recently had my fifty-third book published. I don’t have a lot of free time, but I love to read and watch TV to relax.   Lots of writers enjoyed reading as children. Were you an avid reader as a child?  Yes. I would stay up all night and read books under my bedspread, using a flashlight so I could see. I suspect my mother knew, but she didn’t say anything. Why do you write? I write because I believe God called me to do it.  Tell us about your latest book. Cold Threat is the second book in my Ryland and St. Clair series. River Ryland and Tony St. Clair travel to Burlington, Iowa, to help Tony’s father with a very cold case. A serial killer, ni

Looking out the Window: The American Christian Fiction Writers' May New Releases

More in-depth descriptions of these books can be found on the ACFW Fiction Finder website Contemporary Romance: A Cameo for a Cowgirl by Carolyn Miller -- Welcome to Three Creek Ranch, home of the James family for over a hundred years, complete with its own Western movie set. Franklin James might be a famous pro hockey player, but just because he's Cassie's older brother doesn't mean she wants to step into the limelight. She's too busy helping her dad run the ranch and managing the ranch's movie set, and negotiating with the giant egos of movie stars like Harrison Woods, who's supposed to be filming the new TV series of As The Heart Draws. And while his TV hero character might be hugely popular, Harrison's real character is anything but noble. Cassie is convinced he's hiding something, and she's determined to make sure it doesn't reflect badly on Three Creek Ranch. Can she remind him what being a true hero is all about? (Contemporary Romance,

Looking out the Window: Karen Malley Talks about Her New Romance, Recipes and Redemption. Gives Away an e-Book. Offers a Free Prequel

  A Warm Welcome to Karen Malley Karen will give away an eBook of Recipes and Redemption .  To enter to win leave a comment and email address below and join the Rafflecopter Contest. She also offers a free prequel to the Chester County Couples series. If you’d like to learn about some of the characters when they were younger, check out Lilacs and Love Letters ! See below for details. Also below - check out her free short story offer. Hi Gail, thanks so much for having me on the blog today. It’s my pleasure.  I’m happy to share with you a Bible verse and a recipe, and tell you about my newest book! A Bible verse which plays prominently in my latest book is 2 Corinthians 5:17.  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! I like this verse because it reminds us that no matter what we were or what we did before we met Jesus, we have a fresh start once we turn our lives over to Him. It’s so freeing to be a new creation! Erin, the heroine

Looking out the Window: The American Christian Fiction Writers April New Releases

More in-depth descriptions of these books can be found on the ACFW Fiction Finder website Contemporary Romance: Love in Tandem by Becca Kinzer -- She’s perfectly content leading a quiet life in her small hometown. He’s an adventurer with unquenchable wanderlust. The two couldn’t be any more opposite if they tried. But a tandem bicycle and a 500-mile road trip just might change all that. (Contemporary Romance from Tyndale House)    Playing For Keeps by Deborah Raney -- The love story of Art and Maddie continues in Playing for Keeps. But their fledgling marriage faces challenges when expectations collide. When Maddie is offered a chance to take a research trip to Paris, it appears a short separation might help them both figure out what happily-ever-after looks like for them. Yet even the beautiful City of Lights is lonely without the man she loves with all her heart. (Contemporary Romance, Independently Published [ACFW QIP])   Safe Haven Ranch by Louise M Gouge -- It