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LOOKING OUT THE WINDOW: Linda Weaver Clarke Book Celebration and Giveaway

Book Release Celebration for Mystery/Adventure Novel and Book Give- Away May 23 – June 1  To win a mystery/adventure novel with a touch of romance, leave a comment at . But that's not all! You may also be eligible to win two free e-books as part of this contest. Montezuma’s Treasure and Family Secrets are Themes for Mystery Novel Mysterious events, the search for Montezuma’s treasure, a good-looking rogue, and family secrets! How important is it to learn about the past? Will it make a difference in one’s life and the choices we make? To April, it makes a big difference. Knowing about her parentage changes her perspective of life. With a blend of mystery, adventure, humor, and sweet romance, Linda Weaver Clarke creates a story based upon the adventures of a married couple and their three daughters in “Montezuma Intrigue.” When a leather parchment of Montezuma’s map is found in great-grandfather Evans’ old chest, April and the tw


Linda Weave Clarke won Shannon Vannatter's White Doves. June Foster -- Christine Lindsay's Shadowed in Silk. And Lauren Brooks -- Jo Huddleston's Amen and Good Night God. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to the authors for sharing their wonderful devotionals and books.

Looking Out the Window: Jo Huddleston Shares a Modern Day Miracle

 Jo will be giving away a signed copy of her prayer book, Amen and Good Night, God. Equipment for Valley Travel My bedside vigil stretched into days as I watched meningitis suck precious life from the still form of my college-age child. Sunday afternoon I sat alone with my daughter, watching the disease apparently winning its battle. Gone were the twinkle in her eyes and the ready smile on her lips. The nurse had just left, the same one who had been coming in every 15 minutes to take vital signs. Pained and discouraged, I watched when she recorded on her chart a blood pressure reading only half what it should be. Alone again in the hospital room, each of us experienced our own unique agony. Lying curled in a fetal position, my daughter moved only her eyes. With them almost swollen shut, she looked up at me through her consumed torture. "Mother, this may be my time to die," she whispered. No panic or fear registered in her words or in her fevered eyes. The same th

Looking Out the Window: Christine Lindsay's Shadowed in Silk and the Story of Priat, the Secret Princess

Christine will be giving away a download of her new book, Shadowed in Silk . To enter to win leave a comment with an email address. SECRET PRINCESS India’s evening air caresses like warm silk. A small mountain of kid-sized sandals sits close to a wooden beam holding up the makeshift roof. Voices of hundreds of children fill this tiny Christian church in the center of the bustling city in the south of India. The children sit on rugs, thick blankets, and bamboo matting on a floor of deep, clean sand. Counselors and specially chosen kids from the congregation lead in dance sequences. The Indian style music, heavy with the beat of tom toms, and each willow-like hand gesture and foot movement holds traces of ancient India. It was at a camp setting like this one that a young girl by the name of Priat first heard about Jesus Christ. Like many of the children in this camp setting, Priat came from a low-caste Indian family, the Dalits. In years past this group of p

Looking Out the Window: Regina Andrews Tells How God Turned a Difficult Situation into a Blessing

                                                              "Serve the LORD with gladess; come before His presence with singing."Psalm 100:2 People love to hear music when they attend church. It adds another dimension to the service. I am sure that in your own personal experience you recall times in your life that were heightened by the music being played in church. My father’s funeral is one such memory, to me. Even this week’s Royal Wedding was uplifted with glorious music and the divine songs of a choir. But harmony is not always prevalent. We have been experiencing a crisis in our church choir for months now, one that has tested the limits of our tolerance and true Christian spirits as individuals and as a group. The trouble began last October when our music minister and his wife, the organist, resigned. Our Pastor and self-appointed Choir Spokesman set out together to search for a new Music Director. They recruited someone who was approved by the Parish counc