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Looking Out the Window: Linda Weaver Clarke Book Give Away

Book Give-Away Dec 21 - 27: To win the award winning historical “sweet” romance novel, Melinda and the Wild West , leave a comment with your e-mail. U.S. and Canada. To enter the contest, visit ABOUT MELINDA AND THE WILD WEST In 1896 Melinda Gamble—a very elegant, naïve young woman from Boston—decides to give up her life of monotonous comfort for the turbulent uncertainty of the still untamed Wild West. Driven by her intense desire to make a difference in the world, Melinda takes a job as a schoolteacher in the small town of Paris, Idaho, where she comes face-to-face with a notorious bank robber, a vicious grizzly bear, and a terrible blizzard that leaves her clinging to her life. But it’s a rugged rancher who challenges Melinda with the one thing for which she was least prepared—love. Awards: Finalist for “Reviewers Choice Award 2007”

Looking Out the Window: Welcome Author E. A. West Blogging about Christmas and Autism. Read about Key to Charlotte, Her New Book

In her wonderful blog about Christmas and Autistics author  E.A. West reminds us to keep the focus of Christmas where it belongs:  On Christ   The holiday season can be stressful for anyone. Visiting family and friends, decorating the house, attending holiday parties, and shopping for the perfect gifts can wear anyone out. Now, take all of that holiday busyness and add in the extra challenges caused by autism. In that situation, holiday stress takes on a whole new meaning. Autistics are known for struggling with social situations. A typical, uneventful day at school or work is enough to completely exhaust someone on the autism spectrum. A regularly occurring event, such as a weekly church service, can be completely overwhelming at times. I showed a brief glimpse into this in The Key to Charlotte. Although that situation was completely fictional, the emotions and thoughts shown are very real. With all of this in mind, imagine being an autistic suddenly thrust into the mids

Looking Out the Window: K Dawn Byrd Talks about Writing Books in Thirty Days and Her Latest Book

She'll give away a download of her new book, This Time for Keeps. To enter to win leave a comment and email address. Many writers grew up with a love of reading. Were you an avid reader as a child? What did you read? I was such an avid reader as a child that mother has said many times that I was so quiet she never knew I was even in the house. Nancy Drew was my absolute favorite. Why do you write? I first began writing seriously about four years ago. I write because it's more than a hobby, it's a passion. I can't NOT write. I write because the words bubble up inside me and I have to get them on the page. Tell us about your latest book. Here's the cover blurb from This Time for Keeps: India McGuire's peaceful life is shattered when on the night of her engagement to David Richards, she comes face to face with Chase Porter, a long lost love. India must come to terms with her overpowering feelings for Chase and choose between David, the neighbor w

Looking Out the Window: October in Destin, Florida

During Thanksgiving I'm thankful for so many blessings, church, family, friends and good times. It's fitting to put up photos from our fall trip to Destin, Florida. Waiting for sunset on the deck with friends. The lady in pink is ninety-six. The salt air's gotta' be good for you.    It's almost time. More people show up to watch. The view from a twelfth-story balcony just before sunset The sun is setting                                                    Almost...                                               Side note: Hubby and me at Fisherman's Wharf                              

Looking Out the Window: A Chat with Mildred Colvin, a Disciplined Writer

Mildred Colvin talks about the writing life and her books of romance, faith, forgiveness and trust. She'll be giving away a copy of her new e-book, Love Returned . To enter to win, leave a comment and email address. Hi Mildred. It's great to have you. First, tell us a little about yourself. Gail, thank you for inviting me here today. I write sweet, inspirational romances and have fifteen in print at this time. I’m excited to announce my first novella to be included in an anthology, titled Home for the Holidays, will be published early fall of next year in A Cascades Christmas by Barbour Publishing. I am privileged to be working with some very talented ladies. Mary Davis will contribute A Carpenter’s Christmas , Gina Welborn is writing All Ye Faithful , and Debby Lee’s story is titled One Evergreen Night. All four stories will tie in together as the four heroes are close friends who work in the lumber industry in one way or another. I'll look forward to that. Tell

Looking Out the Window: Welcome Award-winning Author Darlene Franklin

 Award winning author Darlene Franklin      discusses writing and talks about Lone Star Trail,  the first book in her new Texas series Hi Darlene, it looks as though reading has been a big part of your life. Were you an avid reader as a child? What did you read? My mother introduced me to the joy of reading as a young child (I can still quote large portions of The Cat in the Hat, which was fairly new when I was a child!) I graduated to Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys, but by the time I was ten, I was bored with the children’s section of the library and started reading adult novels. I had a marvelous list of books you should read before college, and I read as many as I could. I went through my Charles Dickens’ phase as a high freshman and Thomas Hardy as a junior. It’s always interesting to learn what inspires writers. What inspired you to write this particular book? I have a tremendous interest in the multitude of immigrants who have made America what it is. My first book, Ro