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Looking Out the Window: Tina Pinson Talks about Shadowed Dreams, Shares a Beautiful Thanksgiving Devotional, and Gives Away a Book.

To enter to win a copy of Shadowed Dreams , leave a comment and an email address.              Thanksgiving and Trust One of my favorite verses in Scripture is Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to proper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." This scripture reminds me that God has something more for my life than I can comprehend. He loves me and has the best of plans for my life. Plans He set in motion before I was even born. I really try to hang on to that promise. But if I am honest, I might say I believe it, but my actions don't always prove my words. When I get caught in a whirlwind of trouble, a lot of times from my own making, when I'm worried or feeling inadequate, I find myself asking where God went and what happened to the wonderful plan He had for my life. Certainly the mess I find myself, the mess that is now my life, isn't what God would call the best plan. Is

Looking Out the Window: K. Dawn Byrd Talks about Amazing Love, the modern-day version of the Hosea and Gomer Story from the Bible. She Hopes It Will Show God's Unconditional Love

K. Dawn will give away a gift card for a free download of Amazing Love. Welcome, K. Dawn. What would you like readers to take away from your book? Amazing Love is the modern-day version of the Hosea and Gomer story from the Bible. I'd like for readers to take away that God loves us with an unconditional love. My heroine, Dee, does some pretty terrible things and believes that God could never forgive her, but He does. Why did you choose to write this book? A couple of years ago, I was reading the story of Hosea and Gomer in the Bible and the thought came to mind that it would be fun to retell the story in a modern setting. What did you learn while writing this book? I learned that even though the Bible gives us stories about individuals who lived in Bible times, it's vague at times about specifics. This gives a fiction writer a lot of leeway to let their imagination run wild. What is the toughest test you've faced as a writer? Finding time to write. I w

Looking Out the Window: Jewels for the Kingdom by Delia Latham Part of the New Heart's Haven Series. Read about the Series. Delia Gives Away a PDF Copy of her Book, Shares a Recipe and Bible Verses

Delia Latham talks about a new series, Heart's Haven , and her new book, Jewels for the Kingdom . She'll give away a PDF copy of her book. To enter to win leave a comment and an email address.  Nourish the Body Wow! A Delicious Recipe for Apple Pie from the 1800's From Delia: I’d like to share a recipe from Heart’s Haven, if I may… Back in the 1800s, when Hart House was operational as a boarding facility, Lily Hart’s apple pie was famous. She made the best in the entire area, possibly the whole state of Texas! Lots of things have changed in the intervening years, but one thing that has not changed is that most single men will go anywhere and do anything to at the right place, at the right time, when a home-cooked meal—and, in particular, homemade desserts—are being served. Yet die-hard bachelors in Angel Falls would not step foot inside Hart House, even for Lily Hart’s mouth-watering apple pie. Can you guess why? Here’s the recipe, and I have it on good authority

Looking Out the Window: Multi-published, Award-winning Author Mildred Colvin Takes Up Self Publishing and Tells Us How. She'll Also Give Away a Book.

Less than two years ago in April of 2011, I started a journey I have yet to regret. With fear of the unknown and the possibility of failure hounding me, I joined the ranks of the Indie-Published, otherwise known as self-published. The publishing world was not new to me after more than ten years of writing for Barbour Publishing’s Heartsong Presents line. But there, I had the backing of editors and all the many people who bring together a manuscript into a polished book. Once I stepped across the line to the do-it-yourself side, I found that most, if not all, of that work fell on my shoulders. Since that first book, Learning to Lean , I’ve published ten more in seventeen months. Eight were never before published, while three are from my back list. Two of those, Cora and Eliza , each grew from 50,000 word books to over 80,000 words. They now contain the full story of Cora’s Deception and Eliza’s Mistake . Readers who have read both versions have commented that they seem like new st