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Looking in the Window: Christmas Love




The Love of Christmas
It’s Christmas Eve in Georgia. My husband, my daughter and I are riding on deserted streets into the cold, dark night. The pots and pans in my kitchen are washed and dried. The rolls of wrapping paper are empty; the presents under the tree. We pull into the church parking lot and go inside. We find a seat in the back, where the woman beside me brushes flour from her skirt. I smile at her and settle into the peacefulness reflected by the Christmas tree glimmering at the altar. Bright green wreaths with red bows line the sanctuary filled with a congregation dressed in red and green. I listen to the Christmas story. Ushers hand out candles, lighting one on the end of each row. The overhead lights go dim. We pass the flame from one person to another while we sing “Silent Night.” All the hustle-bustle of the season leaves me. I am still. I rejoice in Jesus’ birth. We finish with, “Sleep in Heavenly peace.” The lights come on. The choir stands and the sounds of the “Hallelujah Chorus” burst forth. I look at my watch -- midnight. It’s Christmas.

When I think of Christmas, I think of love. Over the years I’ve heard several theories on its origin. Some proclaim that chemicals in the brain produce love. So far no one has isolated those elements or found a pill that stimulates defective chemicals to produce love that isn’t there. I most recently read that it’s implanted in us and already existed when we were born. Even if it did, where did it come from? It had to have a source. Scientists can’t create it. If they could, they would be selling it for a fortune.

I believe it’s a gift from God. His unconditional love is so great we can never measure up to it. But when we understand we are worthy because He loves us, even though we’re not perfect, we can tap into it. Sometimes it appears that love can be bought or forced on someone, but no one can dictate the feelings of another person’s heart. Love must be received and given.

At Christmas God gave us the greatest gift, sending his son to die for our sins. It’s up to us to accept His love and share it.

John 3: 16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”



I’m participating in The Sweetest Romance Authors Holiday Party. Join us on Monday, December 20th. Check out our favorite holiday memories and share your own! All visitors will be entered for sweet romance giveaways. With titles such as Sabotage, Love Turns the Tide, Taking Advantage, Loyalty's Web, and Turtle Soup, you will not want to miss out on your holiday free read! Plus, we want to hear from you!What is your favorite holiday memory? Share with us.Stop by The Sweetest Romance Authors at
Drawings will be held Monday at midnight and winners announced Tuesday morning.

My blog, “When Is Christmas,” will appear on the Jingle Bell Blog Fest at Long and Short Reviews on Christmas Eve. During the Christmas season blog fest one lucky commenter will win a fifty-dollar gift certificate to Amazon or Barnes & Noble and another will win a “Bag of Books.” The link directly to the blogs is


Gina said…
Hi Gail, what a beautiful post! I wish you a very merry, sweetly blessed CHristmas. You are a wonderful wirter and friend! Hugs,
Gail Pallotta said…
Hi Gina,
Thanks for stopping by. I wish you a blessed, Merry Christmas also.
Anne Patrick said…
Loved the post, Gail. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and an Awesome New Year!
Anonymous said…
Appreciate the message and acfwbookclub....this is a wonderful place to come visit... there is so much covered in the group, that I don't know if I'll be able to keep up, but I plan on trying... the content of this blog was outstanding... leaving love, smiles and hugs, and a wish for the best CHRISTmas ever, with the best year following.... hope your day is going well... thanks for the links, will go and visit now...
Gail Pallotta said…
Hi Anne,
Thanks for stopping by and Merry Christmas to you too.
Gail Pallotta said…
Hi Cleda,
Thank you for stopping by and for the love, smiles and hugs! I'm glad you're enjoying ACFW book club. I hope you can stop by the Sweetest Romance Authors on Monday. My memory is "A Gift Better Than Silver." I can't wait to read the others. I hope you can visit Long and Short Reviews on Christmas Eve for "When Is Christmas." Christmas Blessings.
DanielleThorne said…
What a beautiful message and what wonderful prizes you are giving away. I, too, believe that we bring love with us into this life. Of course, it was with us before we were born. We lived in Heaven with a Father who loved us. There are some things, you CAN take with you. :)I suppose the important thing it to make sure it's in you when you go back!

Merry Christmas, Gail!
Gail Pallotta said…
Hi Danielle,
Thanks so much for stopping by and for leaving your comment. Yes, it's certainly important to keep the love we have; maybe even add to it.

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