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Looking Out the Window: Welcome K. Dawn Byrd

K. Dawn will be giving away a giftcard for a free download of Mistaken Identity, her new young adult romance. To enter to win leave a comment and your email address.

It's so nice to have you here today K. Dawn.

Were you an avid reader as a child? What did you read?

I was an avid reader as a child. My favorite picture book was about a little boy who refused to get a haircut and when he hid behind some mops in the grocery store, a woman grabbed his hair thinking she was choosing a fuzzy mop. When I became a better reader, Nancy Drew was my absolute favorite. I must have read every Nancy Drew book in the school library...twice.

Aww, that's a cute story about the little boy who refused to get a haircut. Tell us about your latest book. It's a young adult romance. Here's the blurb from my publisher:

Eden Morgan longs for a boyfriend of her own, an impossible goal when her best friend, Lexi Branson, gets all the attention and all the guys. When they fall in love with the same guy, Eden believes she doesn't have a chance. She can only hope that sometimes the good girl gets the guy.

What inspired you to write this particular book?

It's hard being a teenager. Sometimes it's ever harder being a Christian teenager. I admire those teens who live a Christian life before their peers. I'm sure there are times they wonder if it's worth it. This story is for them.

What is your writing schedule and where do you write?

I write my novels in thirty days. I plot them out and then map out how many words I'll need a day on a calendar and also where I should be in word count every day. My goal is to write 60,000 words in thirty days. I write on my netbook and since it's very portable, I carry it with me wherever I go. I've been known to eat lunch alone in a restaurant while pounding on the keys.

What are you working on right now?

Right now, I'm plotting. I have a special plotting notebook that I use to flesh out my ideas. When I feel inspired, I'll choose one and take another personal thirty-day challenge. I enjoy writing a novel in thirty days. It's a lot of work, but I believe it's the only way to write.

Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

My advice for aspiring writers would be first and foremost, don't give up. Second, write something every day. It's important to write every day even if it's only a few hundred words. Third, don't let rejection get you down. You'll become a better writer with every book. You may have to shelve the first few, but that time wasn't wasted as it was a learning tool to help you develop your skill.


K. Dawn Byrd is an author of inspirational romance and romantic suspense. Mistaken Identity, her first young adult romance released on June 15 from Desert Breeze Publishing. Queen of Hearts, a WWII romantic suspense released in April 2010 and was the bestselling book for her publisher during its debut month. Killing Time, a contemporary romantic suspense, released August 1, also with Desert Breeze Publishing.

K. Dawn Byrd is an avid blogger and gives away several books per week on her blog at,/ most of which are signed by the authors. She's also the moderator of the popular facebook Christian Fiction Gathering group at!/group.php?gid=128209963444.

When not reading or writing, K. Dawn Byrd enjoys spending time with her husband of 16 years while walking their dogs beside a gorgeous lake near her home and plotting the next story waiting to be told.


desitheblonde said…
i really like the idea of the book and the cover you said a lot of girls can not do the Christan stuff no sex or some are forced the one that do i have hope they wait
Gail Pallotta said…
Hi K. Dawn,

Thanks for the interview and visit. It's great having you here.
Anne Patrick said…
Very interesting and encouraging interview, ladies. K.Dawn I wish you much success with your new release.
Deborah said…
I would love to win a copy of this book. I enjoyed the interview also. I have not visited her site on FB-but I am going there right now. Thanks so much for the chance to win! Blessings to you all!
Miss Mae said…
Boy, I admire your writing dedication! I have to admit, I could never do that!

Your book sounds wonderful, and it's always great to meet another Nancy Drew fan. :)

*I don't enter contests, so please do not add my name*

Thank you! :)
June Foster said…
I can't tell you how valuable the purpose of your writing is - to encourage Christian young people to live the life Christ has ordained for them, not listening to what the world would tell them. God bless you as you write for Him. June Foster
Connie Almony said…
Wow! Thirty days. I'm in awe. I've taken a year to write my book. Your book sounds great. Wish I had it when I was a teen.
Finbar said…
Persist!! Excellent advice. You must keep writing and submitting, then hope good things happen. Eventually, they will. Positive story lines and themes are inspirational also. Best wishes...
K. Dawn Byrd said…
Thanks to everyone for your wonderful comments and thanks for hosting me, Gail!

I write each book in a 30 day spurt because I love the process and can't wait to see what happens next. I start with a loose plot, but sometimes my characters take over and we go down a path I hadn't planned.

This book was a lot of fun to write. I hope it encourages teens who are trying to live for God.
DanielleThorne said…
Your new book looks really good! I love the cover. It is admirable that you are so disciplined you can write a book in thirty days! What a commitment. Good luck with your books. Fun interview!
Laurean Brooks said…
Gail, thank you for hosting K Dawn.

Write a book in 30 days? Girlfriend, you must be zoning out! Please tell me how to do that. LOL.

Wish I could do that, but too many distractions around my house.

I'd love to win a copy of "Mistaken Identity." I love that alluring cover.

God bless you in all your writing endeavors.
K. Dawn Byrd said…
Don't be so amazed at my writing a book in 30 days until you've tried NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) for yourself. After I did it the first time, I was hooked. It worked so well for me that I've made it my writing process.

It's not as hard as you think. You'd need to write 1,667 words per day. I plot them out on a calendar to keep me on track and I always try to write a little more each day so I can take a day off here and there. I'm always careful to pick a month with few distractions. Give it a try. You might like it!
You have the most interesting authors on your blog. This sounds like a great YA book. Very intriguing!

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