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Happy Easter Everyone! Check Out the Easter Message One Blog Below: Give Away: 2011 Carol Award Finalist S. Dionne Moore Talks About Writing and Promise Brides, Her New Book. She Gives Us a Peek at Her Office

S. Dionne will give away a copy of Promise Brides. To enter to win leave a comment with your email address.

Welcome. First, tell us a little about yourself. My name is Sandra. :) Is that “little” enough? No? Okay. I write as S. Dionne Moore because my first editor had just contracted my evil twin, Sandra Robbins (Sandra R. Is my bud and works with me at The Borrowed Book, so this is all good, ‘k?). In order not to confuse us I used my middle name and first initial.
S. Dionne it is. Were you an avid reader as a child? What did you read?Loved, loved, loved Nancy Drew. Still do, except now I play--please don’t tell--the Nancy Drew games. Yeah, I know they’re for kids. . .uh, teens, but I really like them. I also enjoyed good historicals where I came away having learned something new about the time period. Raise your hand if you like to learn while you read! Learning is much less painful that way. :)
I agree. I love to learn while reading. Let's talk about your writing. Why do you write?Because I couldn’t do math. No, seriously. I can do complicated math equations but do simple math? Nope. I have to use my fingers. Don’t tell. You know, I’m really giving out a lot of my deep dark secrets here.
Naw, it's just the left-brain-right-brain thing. Tell us about your latest book.My latest book is a compilation of three called Promise Brides. In 2011 the first book in the series, Promise of Tomorrow, was named a Carol Award finalist! All three are set in historic Pennsylvania.
Congratulations! That's wonderful. What inspired you to write this particular book?History! I am surrounded by beautiful Civil War battlefields here in Cumberland Valley. Johnstown, PA is about an hour and a half away and started my journey into writing historical romances when it dawned on me that I had never read a work of fiction with the Johnstown Flood of 1889 used as setting. It is a tragic event and I started to wonder what would happen if two people were in love and then. . .
Neat. That brings me right to my next question. Where do you get ideas for your books?Strangely enough, I normally have a setting in mind first, then build my characters around the setting.
How do you get to know your characters?
Usually I get to know my characters through their conflicts. I assign them problems then think through how those problems will hinder them and those around them. The romance part is easy, it’s the overcoming of our personal demons that makes the rest so difficult.

What is your writing schedule and where do you write?I write at my desk on a 27” iMac (LOVE me some Apple!). The huge screen is great for side-by-side editing or having pics of my characters on one side while I am writing on the other side. I’m a neat freak (yet another secret!) so I can’t stand too much clutter. And I love antiques, thus the German hutch behind my desk. It has the most beautiful elaborate carvings and it is a solid, heavy piece.
Find out more about Sandra here: Website:
Twitter: @sdionnemoore
The Borrowed Book:


Miss Mae said…
LOVE your office, S. Dionne! And I would dearly love to have a Mac...are they hard to learn on?

And you are after my own heart, gal! Who didn't grow up with Nancy? And play her games today? Oh, yeah!!! Aren't they exciting???

Your cover is beautiful, and the stories sound wonderful. It's great to meet you, enjoyed the interview so much (you are VERY personable!). Wishing you much success!
Anonymous said…
I enjoyed reading your interview. How nice to live in a historic area, but then if we look, maybe we all do. Sounds like a good idea to visit some and feed the info and ideas into new stories. That's my fun goal for this summer.

Your books sound interesting.
June Foster said…
Enjoyed learning about all your "secrets", S. Dionne. I love the Gettysburg Battlefield which I'm sure you've visited many times.

Good interview, Gail.
Anne Patrick said…
Great interview ladies! Love your office and your Mac. Congrats on being a Carol Award finalist!
I absolutely love romances surrounding historical events. I learn so much. I would love to be included in this giveaway. If I win, I will make sure that I post a review of this book. Thanks.
Carmen said…
He is risen, indeed! Happy Easter!

Been some time since I've read a book by Diane. Loved what I read! Would love a chance at winning her new book.

Linda at:
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com
Denise Jordan said…
I would really like to win a copy of your book! Your interview was great, I feel like I know you now. You're a woman after my own heart, I like a really clean house, in fact, I am an my most creative in my clean study. Thank you for offering a copy of your book for one of us to win.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for visiting me, you all! Sharpsburg battlefield (Battle of Antietam for you northerners--oops, wait, I am one!) is off this exit that doesn't even have a sign. . .you would never know the battlefield was there if you didn't google it or ask for directions. So, yes, Mildred, I think you're right, history surrounds us. Older people, especially, are wonderful sources of tidbits that can be used for setting.

Thanks, Miss Mae, for the compliment on my office. The new Nancy Drew is available for preorder--SO excited for May to get here when it releases!

The 27" Mac is a great, solid computer. Highly recommend it for anyone who has to sit at a computer for any length of time. There is a learning curve from Windows to Mac, but if I can convert (and be so happy I did!) after 20 years of being a die-hard Windows person, anyone can. Start with an iPad and work up from there.

I'm thrilled to be able to give away a copy of my book. Best wishes to each of you!
Hey Sandra! No wonder you write so many words a day. That office is so neat there are no distractions :-)

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