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Looking Out the Window: K. Dawn Byrd Talks about Shattered Identity, Her New Book

In Shattered Identity Lexi Branson faces danger from the man she loves.

Lexi Branson thinks she's found the

guy of her dreams. So what if he's

older? Her new motto is, "Love

knows no boundaries or age limits."

Zack Bane loves her and treats her like

a princess and that's all that matters.

Lexi soons discovers that she doesn't know Zack as well as she thought. He has secrets, the kind that shatter the lives of those who love him. When faced with the truth, Lexi tries to hang onto him because she has a secret of her own.

When Lexi ends up in danger, she discovers she has no one to turn to except her ex-boyfriend, Jeremy. Can Jeremey, who is still in love with her, keep her safe from Zack? When faced with a choice will Lexi choose to stay with the guy who has become a stranger or will she choose Jeremy, the guy who loves her with all his heart?
Ten Facts about Shattered Identity.
) The story is about Lexi, the "bad girl" from Mistaken Identity. Even though it's the sequel to Mistaken Identity, it can be read alone and make perfect sense as a stand-alone novel.
2) Lexi thinks she's found the perfect guy, but soon learns that he's abusive.
3) In the beginning of the book, Lexi is not living the life of a Christian because she's not one.
4) Lexi keeps secrets. She doesn't tell her mom about her boyfriend, Zack, because he's older and she's afraid her mother won't approve among other things.
5) Lexi finds out that her ex-boyfriend, Jeremy, is still in love with her and she becomes confused as to which guy is the one for her.
6) Eden, from Mistaken Identity, returns briefly in the book to console Lexi when she learns that she's being abused. They had been BFFs, but had ended their friendship when Lexi tried to steal Eden's boyfriend in Mistaken Identity.
7) Lexi finds out that Zack's money is not earned honestly.
8) Lexi wakes up in the hospital to find Jeremy and her mother by her side.
9) Lexi broke up with Jeremy in Mistaken Identity because he started going to church.
10) Lexi has several choices to make. Should she stay with Zack or go back to Jeremy? Can Jeremy save her from Zack and is she placing him in danger by allowing him back into her life? Should she become friends again with Eden? Should she become a Christian?
I rushed down Zack's driveway, anxiety pushing me forward even as my heart fell. If Zack saw Jeremy's car at the lake the other day, he'd know who I was leaving with, and he might not ever get over it. I wasn't sure I was ready for the relationship to end for good, but this might do it.
I stepped into Jeremy's black Mustang, the scent of his cologne enveloping me like a warm, fuzzy blanket. Memories of us as a couple flooded my mind and made me happy and sad at the same time. "You okay?" Jeremy asked.
"Yeah. Just get me out of here. Hurry. He's coming down the hill."
Jeremy backed out of the driveway just as Zack reached the car. He moved until he was directly in front of the car. "Lexi, get out."
I shook my head even as the tears rolled down my cheeks. The crazed look in his eyes sealed the deal. He was either mad or high on something, maybe bath salts.
"Go, Jeremy. Just go."
"I can't run over him."
Jeremy rolled down his window. "Just get out of the way, man."
"She's not leaving with you."
Jeremy picked up his phone and shook it at Zack. "If you don't get out of the way, I'm calling the cops." Zack crossed his arms, standing his ground. "Lexi, get out of the car."
Afraid that they'd end up in a fight if I didn't, I reached for the door handle as Jeremy glanced sideways at me. "Don't do it. That guy is on something."
I rolled down my window. "Zack, go back to bed. Jeremy's just giving me a ride home. We'll talk about this tomorrow."
"No way. Get out of the car."
Jeremy leaned out of the window. "Man, you look like you're on something. If you don't get out of the road, I'm going to call the cops and tell them some doped up guy is in the middle of the road holding up traffic. Wanna cool it in a jail cell?"
Headlights came around the curve and tires squealed behind us. The driver yelled, "What's going on?" Zack shot us an obscene gesture and moved out of the road. He trudged up the hill, head down, shoulders slumped.
The thought of losing Zack was more than I could bear, but right now, something didn't feel right. We'd been so perfect together, and I'd probably never find that again, but I was too scared to think about that. Jeremy took his eyes off the road long enough to glance sideways at me. "What's going on?"
"I don't know."
"Did he hurt you?"
K. Dawn Byrd is an author of many different inspirational genres, including romance and non-fiction. She is an avid blogger and gives away several books per week on her blog at, most of which are signed by the authors. She's also the moderator of the popular facebook Christian Fiction Gathering group at!/group.php?gid=128209963444.

When not reading or writing, K. Dawn enjoys spending time with her husband of 16 years while walking their dogs beside a gorgeous lake near her home and plotting the next story waiting to be told.
Links:  YouTube book trailer:



Miss Mae said…
Wow! What an excerpt! I wonder what's going on with Zack! Wishing you the best with this, Dawn. :)
Finbar said…
Interesting excerpt, sounds like an excellent story line. Keep it up....
Connie Almony said…
Hmmm. Sounds exciting!
June Foster said…
Ooo, this sounds like a good one, Dawn. June
K. Dawn Byrd said…
Thanks so much for all the comments! I had a lot of fun writing this book. My publisher now calls it "The Identity Series" even though we didn't plan on it being a series when I wrote the first book. The third book in the series will be out in December.
This book sounds suspenseful. It should have great interest. I hope the sales for this book are successful.

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