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Looking Out the Window: Best-selling, Award-winning Author Anita Higman Talks about Her New Book, A Question of Destiny, and Shares a Beautiful Devotional.

A Warm Welcome to Anita Higman

Anita shares a wonderful devotional about something the world needs so badly.
She’ll give away two digital copies of her new book, A Question of Destiny, and a mini spa packet!

That Glorious Gift of Kindness
Anita Higman

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)

Oh, how I love presents. Don’t you? Little packages tucked into one’s mailbox. Or enormous presents with big bows that sit around the Christmas tree. Or unexpected gifts that arrive with a hug. I love all kinds. And tearing open the package with all that crisp decorative paper is fun too. Or lifting the pastel froufrou tissue out of the dainty gift bag. What utter joy!

 But the type of present that I enjoy even more, is a gift called kindness. It is a generous offering from someone’s heart. These kindness donors don’t have to give, but they do it anyway, even though this quieter gift might go unnoticed. They don’t seem to care about rewards or praise. Yes, it’s that guileless compassion that puts a smile in my spirit and a spring in my step.

I have been on the receiving end of this gift many times, but one woman who stands out in my mind as a true giver of kindness without ever expecting anything in return, is Debby Hartzell. She is one of the most gracious women I’ve ever known. Debby not only knows about the scripture encouraging us to treat each other with kindness, but she lives it daily.

Our world would be a much finer place if there was less devotion to material gain and personal glory and more attention to this gentler way of life, these gifts of the heart. They are the presents that are bound to always fit and always bring delight!
About A Question of Destiny
Lucy O’Brien is about to be given ten millions dollars and a chance to live a life she never imagined. Will this new found wealth be Lucy’s undoing, or can she rise above the temptations within high society and choose to become a nobler version of herself? And will the solitary Andrew Whitfield—a man who watches over Lucy as she adapts to her new lifestyle—cause her to close the door on her dreams or be the key that opens the rest of Lucy’s destiny?

Buy A Question of Destiny here

About Anita
Best-selling and award-winning author, Anita Higman, has forty books published. She’s been a Barnes & Noble “Author of the Month” for Houston and has a BA in the combined fields of speech communication, psychology, and art. Anita loves good movies, traveling to exotic places, and brunch with her friends. Feel free to drop by her website at or connect with her on her Facebook Reader Page at She would love to hear from you!


June Foster said…
Anita, what a unique idea for a plot. I'd love to read this one.
I have read some of Anita's books and they were wonderful. She develops her characters and scenery so well that it makes one feel as if they are actually there. When I read one of her books that was set in Australia, I couldn't wait to visit that country. Haha. Guess what? I just got myself an e-reader. So I can now put myself in the draw for this e-book. Yea!
Anita: Forty books, wow, you have been productive and what a cool plot for your new book. An appropriate verse to contemplate from the Bible too. I hope this novel enjoys the popularity of your other works. Gail, thank you for another interesting novelist on your blog.
Deanna Stevens said…
This sounds like something I'd like to read. Interesting about the 5 million, what a change it could be... sounds like a good book & the devotional would be wonderful..
Deanna Stevens said…
:) forgot the email addy:
dkstevensne at outlook DoT cOM
Miss Mae said…
$10 million dollars??? Oh my, what good could come from that! But yes, it presents incredible temptations too. I think I'd always be asking, "should I? - will I? Maybe if - ?"... and you pray you choose the right answer. So I can understand Lucy's dilemma. Awesome plot you have here, Anita. :)

Wish you much success!
Laurean Brooks said…
Anita, this sounds like a great premise for a story. Here's praying God's blessing on your work

With large amounts of money, comes power and all kinds of temptations.

I guess that's why Jesus said, "It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven."
Shirley said…
I have several of Anita's stories and have really enjoyed them.
Thank you for the interview.

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