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Looking Out the Window: Lynn Lovegreen Talks about Gold Nuggets, Her Latest Book in the Gold Rush Series

A Warm Welcome to Lynn Lovegreen

Lynn will give away an ebook copy of Gold Nuggets. To enter to win leave a comment and an e-mail address.

Also, be sure to check out her fun quiz at the end of the interview.

Hi Lynn, first, tell us a little about yourself.
I was lucky enough to grow up in Alaska, and still live there. I’m a retired teacher who now writes full-time. I write young adult historical romance, and Prism Book Group publishes my Gold Rush series.

Lots of writers loved to read as children. How about you? Were you an avid reader as a child? If so, what did you read?

Yes—mine was a reading household, and I read anything I could get my hands on. I read a lot of children’s books (favorite picture book: The Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf, favorite chapter book author: E. B. White). I enjoyed strong young ladies, like the Little House, Anne, and Nancy Drew books. But I also waded into my mother’s poetry and Shakespeare books early on, and read both young adult and adult novels by the time I was in high school. I discovered the power of words and that was it. I was hooked.

Why do you write?
I write to entertain and inspire with stories of old Alaska. I hope readers see themselves in my strong female characters, and enjoy the fun parts of Alaska history. I write to show readers they are not alone. And, of course, I also write because I enjoy playing pretend on paper.

All about Lynn's Latest book

My latest book is the last in my Gold Rush series. Gold Nuggets is set in Kantishna and Denali Park in 1916.

In the shadow of Denali, she has a home, and he finds adventure. Charlotte Cooper wants to stay near her parents' home in Alaska. But her dreams of being a writer call her away to college or work, and she has to choose her own path in life.

Henry Reeves is a wealthy New Yorker seeking a summer adventure when he travels to Kantishna near the proposed Mt. McKinley National Park. He discovers two passions, one for Charlotte, and the other for keeping Alaska wildlife from being wiped out like the buffalo. Charlotte and Henry find an attraction they can’t deny, but can they build a new life together between the wilderness and high society?

What inspired you to write this particular book?
I knew I wanted to wrap up the series near the end of the Gold Rush. Tying it to the beginning of the conservation movement and the creation of Mt. McKinley (now Denali) National Park seemed like a nice transition into the next era of Alaska’s history. Plus, I love the area. I’ve been there several times, and my husband used to drive buses in the Park, so the setting was a natural for me.

In three words describe your style of writing.
Heart-warming, sweet, romantic

What themes do you write about?
So, far, all of my books involve young characters coming of age. I love that scary/heady period of life when we’re discovering ourselves and where we fit in the world.

Romance also finds its way into each story. Love is the most important thing in life, whether it’s romantic love, love of family and friends, or love for our fellow human beings. “Love thy neighbor,” as they say.

Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
Read and write! Both will give you models and tools for writing. Get as many hours of practice as you can. Then, when you’re ready to show your work to others, find a critique group or network to help you grow in your writing and support you through your journey. And be ready for a long journey—persevere!

What is the coolest, wackiest, most risk-taking thing you’ve ever done?
It’s not really wacky, but the most risk-taking thing I’ve ever done is retire in order to write full-time. It was scary, but something I needed to do at that stage of my life. And I have no regrets.

Introduce us to the main character in your new book. (the one we’re featuring this time)
Charlotte grew up in Kantishna, Alaska, far from any town. She is an independent young lady who wants to become a writer. She’s considering what this means for her future plans when she meets Henry, a wealthy, cocky young Easterner who comes to Alaska for a summer adventure.  She is surprised to find they have things in common, and even more when she finds herself attracted to him.
To learn more about Charlotte and my other heroines, take my quiz to find out which Gold Rush heroine you are! 

Book Links:

Prism Book Group




Sonja said…
This looks interesting. I would love to read this new book!
Unknown said…
Love historical fiction with a little romance.
Lynn Lovegreen said…
Thanks Sonja and Wendy! I have fun writing these. :-)
Sonya Weiss said…
Oh, cool, another Sonya in the comments : - ) It does sound like an interesting story. I've always loved historical fiction.
Lynn Lovegreen said…
Thanks, Sonya. I love how you can be entertained and learn history at the same time through historical fiction. :-)
Dotti said…
Another historical fiction fan here. This looks awesome, Lynn!
Mary Preston said…
A great post thank you. Looking forward to this.

Lynn Lovegreen said…
Thanks for stopping by, Mary!

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