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Looking Out the Window: Renee Blare Talks About Her New Book, Through Raging Waters. Gives Away An E-book

A Warm Welcome to Renee Blare

                                              The Tetons                                                          

Renee talks passionately about her beloved Wyoming, where she set Through Raging Waters.
She’ll give away an e-book of that novel. To enter to win leave a comment and an e-mail address below.

Wyoming Wonderland

Many who know me would tell you that I love my home. From the ongoing saga of the first National Park to my husband fishing at one of our high mountain lakes, I post about my beautiful state on Facebook daily. I share pictures of my Wind River Mountains,

Snowy Range, and Wyoming Black Hills. (Black Hills below)

This is God’s country.

The Big Horn Mountains is where I had my honeymoon as well as Thermopolis, the largest single hot springs in the world. I love to fish and hunt these hills. Wyoming is like no other place on earth, at least to me.

And it’s on fire.

Over 60,000 acres of land is currently burning in eleven areas. From the north to the south, east to west smoke drifts over this gorgeous land. We pray for rain but then hold our breath when the afternoon thunderheads build. Lightning is the very spark of many of these monsters. Man is the other. At times, clouds of smoke obscure the panoramic vistas and amazing starlit skies. As thousands are driven from their homes, teams of firefighters battle roaring flames in an effort to save their animals and property. Most succeed, some fail.

But even as the land is scorched this summer, relief will soon come. Winter is around the corner. Blankets of white will bathe this land and offer a bitter reprieve. Then spring will douse the parched earth with much needed moisture, and the wind will blow the ashes away to reveal a lush, green undergrowth. New seedlings of pine will sprout and the forest will rebuild from the cinders. That is life in Wyoming. Tough, hard, and real.

Don’t let the smoke and flames keep you at bay! Come and see my great state! But if you happen to visit this summer, here’s a few things to keep in mind: Yes, people do live here, even in the forest. We respect God, family, and country. We love all our firefighters and law enforcement officers, even the bad ones. We’re a land of hunters and there are more guns per capita than any other state in the union. (In other words, everybody’s packing, even if you don’t see it.) Moose, buffalo, elk, wolves, and grizzly bears are not pets or zoo attractions, but live in the wild and are animals that can and will kill you (yes, even in Yellowstone National Park). As for trash on a trail or at a lake, you bring it in, you pack it out.

This state is a historical landmark in itself, stop and enjoy the sites: the Oregon, Mormon, California Trails, the Pony Express, Independence Rock, the Medicine Wheel, South Pass, Oregon Trail Ruts, Heart Mountain, Expedition Island and many more.

Visitors are likely to see buffalo and Old Faithful

While you’re here, don’t forget to breathe. Relax. Enjoy the wide-open spaces and amazing views. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find something to see even with all the smoke. Remember, Wyoming is the least populated state in the United States. That means no traffic jams to contend with at high noon (that means on the interstates, but I won’t vouch for Yellowstone!).

Wyoming is your summer getaway from it all. Winter? We won’t talk about that. Heehee…

About Through Raging Waters

If Mother Nature has her way, Timber Springs will never be the same...

A warm spring and early rainstorms melt the snowpack. Spring runoff compounded by the storm of the century sends Timber Springs into a tailspin.

Tossed into the role of rescuer, local pharmacist Paul Fitzgerald must face his past before the whole world falls apart. While he fights to contain the beast around him, he finds his steadfast control slipping through his fingers. And life…everyone’s life…hangs by a thread once again.

She isn’t a hero. Melissa Hampton has her own demons to battle. After she learns of her mysterious beginnings amidst her mother’s keepsakes, she faces more than just the river rushing outside her door. Now, she must discern friend from foe…but as waters rise and tension climbs within Timber Springs, she needs to rise to the challenge or lose the only man she's ever loved.

Can two people find each other through raging waters?

Buy Through Raging Waters on Amazon


Raised in Louisiana and Wyoming, Renee began writing poetry in junior high school. After having her son, a desire to attend pharmacy school sent her small family to the University of Wyoming in Laramie, and she's been counting pills ever since. While writing's her first love, she also likes to fish and hunt as well as pick away on her classical guitar.

Once again in the foothills of the Wind River Mountains with her husband, crazy dogs and ornery cat, she serves her small community as a pharmacist and pens her stories any chance she can get. She loves to interact with readers and invites you check out her   website , blog and group blog


Miss Mae said…
Hi Renee,

I've never been west, but Wyoming sounds awesome, as I absolutely marvel at the beauty of creation. Don't care a thing about hunting. I just love to love animals and letting 'em live and letting 'em let ME live!

The fires sound so devastating, yet I know they're a cleansing as well. You describe the relief of spring and the welcome rains so vividly. :)

What's life like as a pharmacist? Can you REALLY read all the doctors' handwritings? LOL
LiteOfTheNite said…
Hi Miss Mae! I love the this wild land and the animals too! We only hunt for food. The deer and elk fill our freezer much easier and cheaper than the meat at the store! We catch and release when we fish unless we plan to have fish for supper. :)
Fires are devastating but yes, they clean the forest from the dead timber. As for life as a pharmacist, it is very busy. I've gotten pretty good at reading the doctors' scribblings but I still have to call every once in a while. LOL It's always better to be safe than sorry.
Unknown said…
Love hearing about Wyoming and love the pictures. Don't include me in the drawing as I was blessed to get to read an advance copy.
Sonja said…
Love romance with suspense. I would love to read this! I have to read bad handwriting in a foreign language everyday at work. So I can imagine how careful a pharmacist would have to be. A mistake would be a bad thing.
LiteOfTheNite said…
I can't imagine reading bad writing in anything but English! Well, I guess medicalese can be construed as a foreign language from time to time. Heehee! Yes, we do have to be careful. And mistakes can be bad, very bad. :(
The stress isn't great. That's why I love to read like you!
Shirley said…
Thank both of you for the interview and giveaway.
This sounds like a wonderful read.
By now you must be an expert at packing!

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