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Looking Out The Window: Julie Cosgrove Talks About Til Dice Do Us Part, Book Four In Her Bunco Biddies Mystery Series. Gives Away Two E-books

A Warm Welcome to Julie Cosgrove

Julie will give away one ebook of Dumpster Dicing and Til Dice Do Us Part to one commentor.

Whoever goes online to her website and signs up for her newsletter will get the FREE novella prequel, The Blame Game.

Lots of writers enjoyed reading as children. Were you an avid reader as a child? If so, what did you read?

I remember every night pulling out the bottom drawer of the wardrobe in Mom and Dad’s bedroom and picking out a Golden book for Mom to read to me. At an early age she introduced me to the local library, and we’d go every two weeks to pick out four books. I loved the smell of the books in that place. I even considered becoming a librarian.

 When I was twelve, I read The Ivy Tree by the late British author, Mary Stewart. I was hooked! I read every one of her suspense romance novels. Or so I thought. About two years ago I discovered her last one, which I had never read, The Rose Cottage. Oh, the day that one came in the mail!

Why do you write? 

 I have always loved to write. At first it was only for me. Getting my thoughts out on paper was easier than expressing them verbally. Then I began getting awards in high school for my creative writing. One of my stories was published in Atlantic Monthly. But life happened. And for a long while I tucked my tablet away except for journaling to God now and then. Ten years ago, God spurred my heart to take it up again and I became a freelance writer, actually making a meager income at it. My desire grew to only write for Him and doors opened to write for several faith-based publications, and later to be contracted to write novels and novellas for two publishing houses.

Now, besides being an award-winning novelist, I am a digital missionary, writing and editing devotional articles for The Life Project, a division of Campus Crusades Canada. Our articles reach over 600,000 readers per month all over the world. If anyone wants to know more about this amazing mission field, contact me on my

That's a wonderful mission. Let's talk about your books now. Tell us about your latest. 

 Til Dice Do Us Part is the fourth and final book in the Bunco Biddies Mysteries series. Throughout the other three, there has been a developing December romance and in this one, one of the Bunco Biddies is about to walk down the aisle. The only problem is, Janie (the widow of a reknowned detective and amateur sleuth) persuades the groom to help her stake out the hospital for rumored dicey dealings, and in the process he disappears just hours before the organ is to crank up the Wedding March.

What inspired you to write this particular book?  

I wanted closure for these sweet Bunco Biddies that have become such close friends to me. So I tied up some loose ends that dangled through the other three books as far as their lives go. However, each book is free standing and contains its own mystery to solve; you don’t have to read them in order. Who knows, perhaps there will be more in the future?

What do you love about this book? And what do you hope readers will tell others about it? 

Like the others in the series, Til Dice Do Us Part is meant to be humorous as well as shining light on a social issue that is prevalent today.  I hope readers enjoy the interactions of these lively seniors called the  Bunco Biddies, are stumped by the plot, and yet come away with a smile and maybe a tear or two at the end. This one has a sweet ending. But then, weddings tend to make us cry, right?

What are you working on right now?

 I am under contract for a new mystery series called the Relatively Seeking Mysteries. This time, the threesome is women in their early thirties as they get involved in genealogies. Unfortunately, they begin opening ancestral closets some people want to remain closed.

In the first, A Leaf Too Many, to launch next November, Bailey knows very little about her mother’s side of the family except that her mother has three estranged brothers. Their parents were killed in a car wreck when Bailey’s mom was 19. So when she finds pictures of a mystery girl tucked behind others in her grandmother’s photo albums, she begins to search for her identity. But doing so may not only open wounds but endanger those she loves. The next Relatively Seeking Mysteries, Fallen Leaf and Leaf Me Alone, are set to launch in 2019.

Julie Shares A Devotional From Her Blog

Where Did You Find God Today?

"Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth" (John 17:17).

I have this in a frame over my desk...“The Bible is the only book whose author is always present when one reads it.”

But recently, I read a devotional that reminded me we have a gentleman God who knocks and asks to enter into our lives, our souls, and our thoughts. The writer asked a question: if our daily Bible time had become bone dry, were we praying for the Holy Spirit to join us and reveal the meaning to us?
I thought about how many times I yawn as I sip my coffee, crack open my Bible, find the passage of the day, read it, and then check it off my to-do list. My feelings would be crushed if I knew readers treated a book I wrote in this manner.

When did I lose the idea that this is a love story?

I truly believe "All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness..." (2 Timothy 3:16)  I have known times in my life a passage has pierced my heart with the truth of its message as if God reached down and typed it onto the page that very day. Perhaps you have as well. We are blessed in the western world to have the Bible in so many places and in so many translations. It is on my coffee table, on my bookshelf, in an app on my phone, and bookmarked on my computer. Framed verses scatter the walls of my apartment. Some are taped to my desktop monitor and secured with a magnet on my fridge.

I am surrounded by the Word, hemmed in, armored. Do I take that for granted sometimes? I confess. Yes, I do. Forgive me, Lord. Speak to me anew. Enter in...the door is open.

Bio: Julie has eleven contracted novels and novellas published or in the works, mostly through Pelican/Prism Book Group  and Write Integrity Press publishers. She writes suspense, clean romance and cozy mysteries.

She also has six non-fiction works and writes for several websites and publications, including Good News Daily, The Journey, Light From the Word, and Thoughts About God. She also has her on blog which reaches readers in 51 countries: /Where Did You Find God Today?

To learn more about Julie, her books and contributions to other publications visit her website


Miss Mae said…
Hi Julie,

I'm like you - loved The Ivy Tree and all of Mary's mysteries. She held me captive with her imaginative plots!

Your A Leaf Too Many and the others that follow sound goose-bumpy delicious. Best to you on this series!

Welcome to Gail's blog!
Thanks Miss Mae. Gail has been a fellow author friend for many years and I'm tickled to be here.
Ruth said…
You have a knack for titles. So catchy.
It is good to meet you, Julie. I was fascinated with the story line about a photograph of a girl and seeking to identify her. I have an old photo taken in 1904 of relatives with an unidentified girl and I think she was a border with my great grandpa. Things like that are so interesting. Sounds like you know the right places to get published and you have the talent to make it happen. I hope the series and your future efforts pay off. Thanks, Gail, for another interesting author interview.
Lisa Lickel said…
Good to see you here!

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