Valentine Courtesy of Pixabay
Talking Love
At Valentine’s Day we think of romantic love, but there are many kinds of love—love of children, Moms, Dads and friends. They all enrich our lives.
At first it seemed odd to me that I’d think of an atheist on a day celebrating love, but maybe not. When I was in college I used to run into him in the small cafe where we gathered for sodas, hamburgers and French fries after class. I tried to avoid him, because he always hopped over to my table and started an argument about my faith.
He was angry at me because I am a Christian. Even though today I can’t recall which verses he used, he’d take passages from the Bible and try to make me say they weren’t true. When I wouldn’t, he’d retort with a scientific argument and claim it had to be right.
It was the mention of God's love that finally silenced him. That's why he comes to mind on Valentine’s. One day I grew so frustrated I asked, “If there’s no God, where does love come from? Why don’t you mix me up a little bowl of it? If scientists could do it, they would, because they could sell a ton of it for lots of money.”
His mouth gaped.
He never trotted to my table again.
Since then I’ve read we have chemicals in the brain that produce love. I’ve often wondered if he came up with that theory. Even if that were true, the chemicals in the brain come from somewhere, and that still leads back to God. I hope it wasn’t him. I hope he read the Bible and learned of God's great love.
God’s love is for all of us. Share yours today in a hug with someone you love—brother, sister, Mom, Dad, friend...
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