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Looking Out The Window: David Arp Talks About His Latest Suspense Novel, Orb. Gives Away A Book

A Warm Welcome to David Arp

David will give away an e-Book OR print copy (U.S. residents only) of Orb. Winner's Choice. To enter to win leave a comment and email address below.

Thank you for having me as a guest and allowing me to introduce my newest novel, Orb. 

It's my pleasure to have you. First, tell us a little bit about yourself.

I’ve had a birthday since I last visited, my 61st, and I’m still employed as a drilling foreman for an oil company, offshore Louisiana. I’m an old roughneck who likes to write when he has the time.

Happy Belated Birthday. What besides God and family do you really love? 

The handshake of a friend.
A warm shoulder from a sleeping baby.
A good horse.
The aroma of saddle leather, burnt gunpowder and gun oil.
Early mornings and cowboy coffee.
The smell of fresh cut hay.
An honest man.
Good humor.
Standing in a cold stream with a fly rod.
Caddying for my son.
Morning frost in early fall.
A challenge.
A well-written song or story.
Earned success, for anyone.

Tell us about your newest hero, Wes Hansen.

Wes Hansen is a PI and a former Marine. He’s a man’s man, no nonsense, straight up, and driven, but never so driven to forget about the people in his life. Patient and slow to anger, but when forced, he does what it takes to protect of his own and finish a job.

Do you put yourself in your books?

A writer probably cannot help but put themselves into their fiction books. Whether consciously or unconsciously we all wind up in our characters in some aspect or another. Sometimes maybe we write about who we hope to be, or who we’re glad we’re not.

Does faith affect your writing? If so, how?

Can you imagine becoming irate at another driver for some petty offense, displaying some rude behavior, and then finally getting a glimpse of the offending person, your pastor? Worse yet, your pastor recognizes you and waves. Sometimes it’s not what people say, it’s what they don’t say. A book doesn’t have to conform to today’s filthy trends to be a good read. I believe God has His hand on my heart and that bleeds into my writing.

What inspired you to write this particular book?

This is a question I have yet to answer. A good friend gave me the idea for my villain. I cannot share that tidbit without revealing a key point in the story. The word games the villain plays came to me while reading the Bible. Again, at the risk of revealing some of the story, I’ll remain mum and let my readers see for themselves. Seat-of-the-pants writer? That’s as good an answer as any.

What do you love about the book? And what do you hope readers will tell others about it?

I like Wes, the man. He’s straight up, what-you-see-is-what-you-get honest, and he gets the job done even when he knows he might not survive. I’d hope my readers would make a connection with Wes and the young woman he hired and tell others about them. Even Meshach. He’s easy to dislike.

More About Orb

Former Marine and Iraqi war veteran Wes Hansen is hired to hunt down the man who assaulted the daughter of billionaire oilman Cole Blackwell. Wes has only one name to go on—Meshach—and only one witness—a dog that Wes believes the man used as a prop so he could walk the dark streets of Lubbock, Texas, unquestioned.

Wes's business card reads PI, not ghost buster. To find Meshach and put him away, Wes will have to be both, but Meshach has an unmatched ability to escape detection and turn the heat on Wes and his team. Before the week is done, they might need a miracle to survive meeting the man from the fiery furnace.

Buy Orb on Pelican Book Group and Amazon

About David's Other Books

Me and Jake

Me and Jake is a tale of love and love lost. Anthony is a thinker and his twin brother, Floyd, is practical, but neither ever dreamed of what’s in store for them. Two chance-events in a week is a coincidence; twenty is the work of an unseen hand. His. Anthony said he felt like something was going to happen to change their lives. Little did he know how prophetic the statement would be and how soon it would come to pass. What seems like a series of coincidences are anything but, and what’s more amazing, Anthony’s coon dog, Jake, might not be a dog at all.

Buy Me and Jake on Pelican and Amazon

Against The Odds

It was the mother of all bad days.

The date, September 11, 2012. The place, Benghazi, Libya.

While a brave band of warrior’s fight for their lives in the consulate and CIA annex, outside, a Mossad Agent, a missionary, and a Mississippi giant fight a different battle.

Caught between a terrorist and an enraged Russian arms dealer, they must complete the mission and manage to stay alive until they can escape or the cavalry arrives.
Never assume things can’t get worse.

Buy Against All Odds on Amazon


David was born in Arizona and raised in Texas where he began a career in the oil and gas drilling industry soon after graduating high school. Since then, he’s traveled the world to places like Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Malaysia, India, China, Mauritius, and Namibia.

He discovered his love for writing while working for Saudi Aramco, drilling wells throughout Saudi Arabia. He even learned to speak decent, albeit Texas accent-laced, Arabic. Today, David splits his life evenly between home in Colorado with his wife of 32 years, Karen, and a deep-water drilling rig on the Gulf of Mexico. Learn more about Dave on his website and connect with him on Facebook


Sonja said…
Sounds like a good read. Would love to receive a copy! sonja dot nishimoto at gmail dot com
Dave Arp said…
Sonja, thanks for visiting. I'd like to send you a copy of Orb. What is your preference?
Congratulations on the new book, Dave. I enjoy veterans as main characters.
Great post, Dave!
I love your list of things you love... a good horse would be on mine too LOL
Good luck and God's blessings
Dave Arp said…
Pamela, Barbara, thanks for the visit ladies. Appreciate your support. Blessings.

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