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Looking In The Window: What Fun Meeting An Online Friend In Person. To Celebrate Our Encounter June Foster and I Are Giving Away E-Books

While reminiscing about how long we’ve known each other, June Foster and I decided to tell the story of our chance face to face meeting.

And we’re giving away a couple of e-Books to one winner chosen at random. June will give away Dreams Deferred, her latest romance novel, and I’ll give away Stopped Cold, my young adult sports mystery. To enter to win answer the following question in the comment section below and leave an email address.

QUESTION: Do you think God sets up appointments or encounters? Optional: If you like, tell us if you’ve had one, perhaps when you met your husband, a close friend or a neighbor.

June and I met online when we joined American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) about six years ago. We literally ran into each other as we registered at a recent ACFW Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. Going inside the hotel to register, I was stepping off the escalator and June was about to get on the other side. We recognized each other from our photos. I was so excited to enter a conference so large and run smack-dab into a friend I’d come to enjoy knowing, even if it was only through the printed word. We stopped in our tracks, hugged each other, and sat down on a bench nearby to chat.

I believe our meeting was no coincidence considering all the people attending. We had a great time catching up that morning, but there was even more to come. We met up again in a class and asked one of the writers attending to take the picture above.

June, here. 

I agree with Gail. Our chance meeting on the escalators was no chance at all. The Lord likely had something to do with it. Gail and I first met online as critique partners in a Scribes small group. In Nashville, we not only enjoyed meeting each other, but I shared a table with Gail and her husband at the gala dinner on the last evening.

What a great opportunity to share writing experiences with a fellow southerner. I remember Gail gave me a marketing tip that helped me to increase my blog readership. Gail, thanks for your friendship.

Thank you, June, for yours, and I’m so glad if I suggested something that helped. The dinner topped off our experience.  The relaxed atmosphere gave us more time to reminisce, more memories to make and new friends to meet at our table.

I’m glad we’ve kept in touch and look forward to another encounter in person someday.

About Deferred Dreams

 Matthew Hall is obedient to family tradition: all firstborn sons will serve as a priest. Now Matt officiates at St. Aloysius Catholic Church in San Antonio, Texas. But when on Easter Sunday, he notices a beautiful young woman who takes his breath away, he must fight against his attraction to her or leave the priesthood and alienate his entire family.

Mary Louise Graham is a middle school teacher and devout catholic. Yet no amount of service to the community can ease the heavy load of guilt she carries. God can never forgive her unspeakable mistake. But when Father Matt tells her about a forgiving God through His son Jesus Christ, she's free. Only thing, the Godly priest now means more to her than he should.

Can two people find their way to each other amidst insurmountable obstacles? Dreams Deferred is inspired by the author's great grandfather and great grandmother's story.

Buy Dreams Deferred here

Learn more about June on her Website

Amazon Author Page and


About Stopped Cold

Things aren't what they seem in peaceful Mistville, North Carolina.
Margaret McWhorter enjoys a laid-back Freshman year in high school swimming and hanging out with friends—until the day her brother, Sean, suffers a stroke from taking steroids. Now he's lying unconscious in a hospital.

Anger sets a fire for retribution inside her, and Margaret vows to make the criminals pay. Even the cop on the case can't stop her from investigating. Looking for justice, she convinces two friends, Jimmy and Emily to join her in a quest that takes them through a twisted, drug-filled sub-culture they discover deep in the woods behind the school. Time and again they walk a treacherous path, and come face-to-face with danger.

All the while Margaret really wants to cure Sean, heal the hate inside, and open her heart to love.

Buy Stopped Cold on Amazon

Visit with me on my Website

Amazon Author Page and


Be sure to answer the question and leave an email address to enter to win two eBooks.

Question: Do you think God sets up appointments or encounters? Optional: Tell us if you’ve had one, perhaps when you met your husband, a close friend or a neighbor.


Laurean Brooks said…
Yes, I believe God works circumstances to bring people together. People that will enjoy each others' company and also learn from one another. That in itself, is a great story.

I know Gail is a talented writer. She has several books under her belt that prove it. Stopped Cold is one.

June, your title "Hope Deferred" fits the blurb well and sounds like an intriguing heartbreak. I hope it has a happy ending for both main characters. I hate that priests aren't allowed to marry in certain denominations.

I remember how the Prince of Monaco gave up his throne to marry actress Grace Kelly. Beautiful love story
Sonja said…
I think that God does put us on our paths. Just recently our 18 year old grandson headed to the missionary training center to learn Japanese in preparation of a 2 year church mission. This leaves him away from old friends and family for 2 years. As part of their service they host the new missionaries as they come in and start their 2 month training. Who should he host, but one of his very best friends and what a treat that was for him. Also as he entered as a new missionary his companion was assigned to him and was a friend on his baseball team until they were sophomores in high School. In 10th grade this friend moved across the country and surprisingly is going on the same mission and they are now companions. Such tender mercies are sometimes just too amazing.
Gail Pallotta said…
Hi Laurean,

Thank you for stopping by and also for your kind words. They mean a lot coming from a talented writer. Oh yes, the Prince of Monaco and Grace Kelly is like a fairy tale in real life.
Gail Pallotta said…
Hi Sonja,

That is an amazing story. Thank you for sharing it. It gave me goosebumps!
Isn't God AMAZING?!

I love how this all came about. Sounds like a wonderful time together.

Good luck and God's blessings to you both.
Gail Pallotta said…
Hi Pamela,

God sure is amazing! Thank you for stopping by and for the blessings.
June Foster said…
Gail, what a joy to have met you. I hope it won't be long before we meet up again. Thanks for your great idea of sharing our unexpected meeting. I pray God's blessings upon you as you write for Him.
Gail Pallotta said…

Hi June,

I hope we do too! Many blessings for your writing also. Thanks for sharing with me.

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