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Looking out the Window: Anita Klumpers Talks about Buttonholed, Her Latest Book. Shares a Yummy Apple Cake Recipe

A Warm Welcome to Anita Klumpers

Anita shares a favorite Bible verse and a yummy recipe handed down from her mother. See below.

Hi Anita, lots of writers loved to read as children. What about you? If so, what did you read?

YES! I vividly remember reading Little House in the Big Woods in first grade. I moved up to the Bobbsey Twins, Happy Hollisters and Trixie Belden, Nancy Drew books by the truckload. And the biographies my dad made me read to balance out the mystery stories.

What inspired you to write this particular book?

My editor asked for a novella based on the virtue “Whatever is of good repute” from Philippians 4:8. While visiting Andrew Jackson’s home in Nashville, we watched a duel reenactment, and the idea was born!

What do you love about this book? And what do you hope readers will tell others about it?

It was fun weaving in the history of the duel and its ramifications to present day. Manderley is a well-meaning sweetheart. Her mother Tara is a dynamo and I enjoy the family dynamics of the whole family. I hope readers tell others they had fun reading Buttonholed and maybe give some thought to when good reputation should take a back seat to love.

In three words describe your style of writing.

Chaotic. Painstaking. Seat-of-my-pants.

Does your faith affect your writing? If so, how?

Yes. Whatever my hand finds to do—writing, teaching, laundry, changing diapers—I want to do it with all my might, to glorify God. If I’m going to write a story, even if the theme isn’t overtly Christian, I want to do the best job I can. I don’t do all things well, but it is my goal!

Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

Challenge yourself to not just start a book, but see it all the way to completion. Fiction or non-fiction, make yourself stick with it. Unless you’re a genius, your first draft will stink, but you’ll have written a book! Now go back and adjust.

One of Anita's Favorite Bible Verses to nourish the soul.

Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV)

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.

Anita shares a recipe from her mom, Adele Mulder, to tempt our palates.

When I was a little girl, living on Xavier Street in a Denver suburb, my mom and the gentleman next door would swap recipes. I'm not sure what Mom shared with Uncle Ed (all adults in my orbit were either Mr./Mrs. or Uncle/Aunt. No first names EVER).

But Uncle Ed shared one wonderful cabbage and hamburger stuffed dough recipe, and one
for Apple Donuts.

Not sure why they are called donuts, because they are made in muffin tins. But they are fabulous. And a bit of work and mess. Sadly, the younger generation (me) has gotten all lazy and slothful.
So I throw the whole mess in a cake pan. It still tastes fabulous. Sloth sometimes brings its own rewards.

Xavier Street Apple Cake

Sift together
3 c. flour.
3 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. nutmeg.

1 c. sugar
2/3 c. shortening
Cut in till fine
(A pastry blender is a sluggard's best friend. I no longer have giant gobs of un-mashed ingredients)

Mix together
2 eggs lightly beaten
(Although not a vegan, I prefer to get meat, dairy etc. from animals treated humanely. The free-range chickens whose eggs I purchase have it so good, some have been around since the Cold War.)

1/2 c. milk
1 cup grated raw apples
Add to dry ingredients all at once, mix quickly and thoroughly

Bake in greased 9x13 pan at 350 degrees 22-27 minutes

The secret to wiping out all positive health benefits from the apples?

Poke holes in the hot cake
Melt 3/4 c. butter and pour over hot cake
so the butter can seep its way through every single gram.
Immediately sprinkle with mix of
1/2 c. sugar and 1 1/4 tsp. cinnamon

About Buttonholed

A distress call from her mother, Tara, sends Manderley scurrying from Chicago to her hometown of Lowellton, Tennessee. A New York film crew is researching the duel between Tara’s ancestor, Talbot Latimer, and his arch-enemy Henderson Coventry. The results of that ill-fated battle have split Lowellton for over 200 years. For some reason, Tara is certain Manderley will be able to run interference and protect the family honor.

Manderley thinks she is up to the challenge. A sermon on Philippians 4:8 and “whatever is of good repute” convinces her the best way to protect the family honor is the heal the two century-and-counting breach between the Coventry’s and Latimers..

Problem is, the only one who can help end the hostilities is Abram Coventry— descendant of the despicable Henderson Coventry and the object of Manderley’s hopeless crush. But he barely knows she exists.

Just when it appears Manderley might have the family feud beat, her best-laid plans backfire spectacularly. And it’s all Abram Coventry’s fault.

Buy on Amazon

Barnes and Noble

Pelican Book Group


Anita Klumpers’ previously published novels are Winter WatchHounded and Christmas Passed.  All three are suspense-romance. Buttonholed is her latest undertaking and the first of her books with no murders.

When not fervently wishing she had a more organized approach to writing, Anita spends time with her family, including three sons who should be used to her by now since she homeschooled them forever. She dotes on two lovely daughters-in-law and seven of the cutest grandkids you ever did see. Her church family and pastor are absolutely amazing and she thanks God for blessing her so abundantly. Whenever possible, she enjoys time with her husband and friends, all of whom are also pretty cute. Her deepest joy comes from the grace and knowledge of her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Connect with Anita on

Her blog, The Tuesday Prude


Anita Klumpers said…
Thanks much for hosting Gail! Stay safe and healthy and strong and sane, everyone!
Gail Pallotta said…
Hi Anita,

It's my pleasure to have you!

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