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Looking Out the Window: Nancy Bolton Talks About Love Stumbled In. Gives Away An E-Book


A Warm Welcome to Nancy Shew Bolton

To enter to win the e-Book of Love Stumbled In leave a comment and an email address below.

Hi Nancy, many writers loved to read as children. Did you? If so, what did you read?

I was definitely an avid reader as soon as I learned to read. Books fascinated me once I realized that they were a whole new world I could enter by just opening them up. I read Everything!! All the contemporary and classic favorites for children, as well as encyclopedias, the dictionary, etc. I’ve always been very curious and books satisfied my urge to understand the world and other people and cultures.

Tell us about your writing. Why do you do it? 

Other than music, I think language is the most effective way of expressing what’s inside of us. 

Tell us about your latest book. 

Love Stumbled In takes place in the 1920’s which were a decade of profound changes in society. I did some research for a previous book in the same time period and found that I wanted to write another story set during those interesting years.

What inspired you to write this particular book? 

I wanted to explore how various characters would respond to the after-effects and the impact of WWI and the flu epidemic. I wrote this two years before our own pandemic, and never expected it would be released during another worldwide virus. 

What do you love about this book? And what do you hope readers will tell others about it?

What I love about it are the characters, especially Carrie. She is so feisty yet kind-hearted and determined to move forward. I hope readers will tell others that it is an emotionally satisfying story full of interesting characters and events, and they will enjoy the time spent sharing that world.

In three words describe your style of writing. 

Emotional, character-driven, authentic. 

Are you a plotter or a pantzer?

Definitely a pantzer all the way!

Does your faith affect your writing? If so, how?

My faith is the central core of my life, and so that relationship naturally spills into my characters and in the inward journey they are traveling.

What is the coolest, wackiest, most risk-taking thing you’ve ever done?

Moving out to a five acre parcel of undeveloped rural land with my husband and our five small sons. We lived like pioneers without running water or electricity for a number of years. It was quite an adventure. I actually wrote a memoir about it called Adventures in Poverty!

What are you working on right now?

Right now I’ve got a fiction book I just started, and I’m also working on a family collaboration with my siblings as we put together my mother’s memoir about her life! 

More About Love Stumbled In 

In the midst of tragedy and uncertainty love stumbles in...

The years of WWI and the flu epidemic that followed have left Carrie orphaned and taken in by her distant relatives who have also suffered injury and loss. She finds herself drawn to the youngest of the five brothers, a dedicated Christian her age who becomes her emotional support. When he leaves with a small church group to spread the Gospel, Carrie is heartbroken.

As she finds the strength to survive and navigates the challenges of her first job in a wealthy household, she is forced to examine herself and question her own heart and the directions life leads her.

Just as the 1920's were a decade of change, so they prove to be for Carrie.

Buy Love Stumbled In on Amazon

Connect with Nancy on

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and her 

Website  Website


Oh wow, 5 acres in the country sound lovely - except for the poverty part LOL!
Good luck and God's blessings with your new book
Sonja said…
Yes, the timing of your release is unreal. Sounds like a very interesting read! sonja dot nishimoto at gmail dot com
What an intriguing title. I love it. The time frame is in my sweet spot. I'll be adding this book to my TBR list.

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