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Looking out the Window: Erin Stevenson Talks About In From the Storm, Book Two in her Canadian Meadows Series. Gives Away a Kindle Copy.


A Warm Welcome to Erin Stevenson

To enter to win the Kindle copy of In From the Storm leave a comment and an email address below.

Hi Erin, first, tell us a little about yourself.

I accepted Jesus as my Savior on July 23, 1972, when I was fourteen. He’s been my constant Companion and faithful Friend ever since. 

Tell us about your latest book.

Book 2 of my Canadian Meadows series, In From the Storm, released last month. Its theme is forgiveness, which is something I have struggled to understand for years. I’m not sure I’ve fully figured it out yet, but the process of writing this book was healing for me, and I hope readers will be blessed by it. 

What inspired you to write this particular book?

When I got the initial idea, it occurred to me that in order for forgiveness to be necessary, there must be sin. I knew what I wanted the initial storyline to be, and it was important to me to strike just the right balance—to not “glorify” the sin, and to portray the character(s) as truly repentant for their actions.  

What do you love about this book? And what do you hope readers will tell others about it?

The characters took this story to places I hadn’t planned, and I love that about it. I hope readers will tell others that it’s a testament to God’s healing grace and forgiveness. And I love that it has a happy ending despite how impossible it seemed to get there. 

In three words describe your style of writing.

I can do it in two: wing it! I tried doing an outline once but that was a mess. I do LOTS of thinking and then sit down to write. I’m a storyteller so the words tend to come pouring out. 

How do you get to know your characters?

I do a lot of plotting in my head and imagine them in all kinds of situations that never make it into print. I also continually ask myself, “what are they feeling?” 

Does your faith affect your writing? If so, how?

Yes, my faith forms the foundation for my writing. I try to write flawed characters with real problems who either use their faith or find it to help them solve whatever issue they’re facing. 

What are you working on right now?

Book 3 of the Canadian Meadows series, untitled for now. You can read the back cover blurb at the end of In From the Storm. I love the premise and am having fun with these characters. It’s kind of a modern-day prodigal son theme, so there’s a beautiful story to be told—again, about coming back from choices and the power of family. Since this is a series, readers will be the characters they (hopefully) fell in love with in the first two books. 

What is the coolest, wackiest, most risk-taking thing you’ve ever done? 

I have never been a risk-taker but I’m about to be. Next summer I’m going to retire, downsize dramatically, sell my house, and probably buy an RV or tiny house and hit the road with my best friend, Macy—a nine-month-old Mini Australian Shepherd mix. There are places in this great country that I’ve never seen and I can’t wait. I anticipate finding plenty of great settings for future books 😊 

Wow! That sounds exciting.

More About In From the Storm

Vanessa Kingston is engaged to the son of the likely next president of the United States. Her life is about to change in ways she never imagined, and her upcoming fairytale wedding is a welcome distraction that leaves little time to reflect on her first love and a past mistake. Then, one phone call uncovers the secret Vanessa thought she had completely hidden, one that threatens to destroy all her future hopes and dreams.

Since a deep betrayal from his wife several years ago, Ben Garritsen has been alone. His longtime career is deeply fulfilling, but otherwise his life is empty. He has never forgotten the woman who first held his heart. Now, a life-threatening situation brings the past to light, and Ben is once again betrayed and faced with more deep pain and heartache that can never be undone.

When they meet and the truth is revealed, old and new hurts surface, but Ben and Vanessa must put aside the past and work together for a greater purpose. Against all odds, they find themselves at a place of healing, but another crisis destroys any hope for reconciliation. Will they ever find their way back to the love they lost, but both desperately want?

Set against the stunning backdrop of northwestern Montana,  In From the Storm is the second book in the Canadian Meadows series, a tale of lost love, lost hope, and the healing grace of forgiveness..

Buy on Amazon

When Erin isn't writing, she enjoys spending time with her dog.

Bio: She has been writing fiction since 2014. She has published independently with Pelican Book Group and Winged Publications and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers.

Writing is like breathing to Erin. Stories are running through her mind during most of her waking hours, and by the time she sits down at the computer, the words flow and time ceases to exist. 

Erin was raised in Illinois and has lived in many places in the U.S., including on both coasts, but is a Midwest girl at heart. She spent many years as an educator from pre-school through college levels, and currently works in training and internal communications for a global corporation.

When she’s not writing, Erin loves spending time with her children and grandchildren, and playing in the garden (which equates to mostly pulling weeds) at her central Iowa home. Her secret indulgence is plain M&Ms.

Connect with Erin on 


Twitter: @ESQwrites

and her Website


Sonja said…
Love Christian books. The best!
Mary Preston said…
Happy to meet Erin here.
Shirley said…
Always glad to find out about an author I'm not familiar with.

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