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Looking out the Window: Bible Study Leader Kristi Neace Says God Won't Fail Us and Introduces Us to Her New Book, Pathlight to Praise. Free Bible Study Coming Soon.


A Warm Welcome to Kristi Neace

Kristi shares a devotional.

She will start a new Bible study on Facebook in July. Watch for the announcement, giving the exact date and time on her Facebook Page 

Scriptural videos also available. See below.* 

In a Pit?

Psalm 40:1-3‚ “I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD.”

Can you think of a time when God helped you out of a low place? Perhaps something had caused you to spiral downward, or maybe like the Old Testament character, Jonah, you had run away from God so as not to have to do what He was asking of you. 

Through this passage, we see that David was experiencing this first-hand. He was in a place of despair, yet God was gracious, and after some time, placed David in a new area of service. In verses 1-3, David reflects back on the things God has done in his life. Since we so often get caught up in our present-day frustrations and stresses, and simply forget, it is good for us to also remember the Lord’s goodness. 

Think of those moments God stepped in and delivered a seemingly impossible outcome or provided help or financial assistance from an unexpected person or place. Or, what about the blessings He has brought to you through your family, your job, your ministry? 

There is certainly a lot to be thankful for. God is so good. When times become difficult, reflect back and see the hand of God’s blessing. He didn’t fail you then and He certainly won’t fail you moving forward. That is His promise to us. 

So, let me ask you: What pit are you currently dwelling in or have come out of? And, how has God proven Himself faithful to you? I’d love to hear about it. 

About Pathlight to Praise

Christians often speak of giving God praise for this or that, but for a person new to the faith or even a seasoned believer longing for encouragement during personal struggles, praise can seem like an overwhelming even unattainable task.

Yet, in the very last verse of Psalms we read, "...everything that has breath praise the LORD (Ps. 150:6)." Why? Because He is worthy!

Within the pages of this book, you will find 150 days' worth of devotions filled with God's unending love and care for His children. Though the various psalmists experienced fears, temptations, and strong emotions such as anger and betrayal, God proved that there is always something to be thankful for. He is forever worthy of our praise!

Buy Pathlight to Praise at Pelican Book Group 

on Amazon

Barnes and Noble


Bio: Kristi Neace holds an MDiv and BA of Biblical Studies from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City. 

Kristi has 18 plus years of experience writing faith-based books, blogs, articles, and devotions for both women’s ministry and law enforcement spouses. By day she is a real estate professional, but her true passion is teaching God’s Word. Kristi hosts a weekly Bible study throughout the year for both in-person and zoom participants. She and her husband/family reside in the greater St. Louis area of Missouri.

*Scriptural videos available here

Connect with Kristi by email at

On Instagram: Kristi_Neace

TikTok: @kristi.neace 

and visit her Website at


Barbara Britton said…
I'm looking forward to "Pathlight to Praise." Congratulations, Kristi.
M. Jean Pike said…
I enjoyed your book so much and will look into these other resources!
Gina said…
I am looking forward to reading your book, Kristi. Congratulations on your new release.
Karen said…
Good morning.
Kristi Neace is nothing less than extraordinary. This book Pathlight to Praise, is no exception. In class or through video she is engaging and enlightening. The way she writes makes understanding the Bible relatable, which makes you continually want more.
I 100% recommend this book to everyone.

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