Happy Valentine's Day
Love on a Moment’s Notice
A couple in their forties walked into a restaurant where my husband and I ate lunch. Tall and thin with pale coloring, the man dragged a medical bag with him while meandering as though he wasn’t sure where to go. The woman, also thin, with short, dark hair and blue eyes, motioned toward the booths. “Well, this is it,” she said in a questioning tone, as though she didn’t know how he would react.
He nodded. After the hostess motioned toward a table in front of us, they sat down with the woman facing me. As they studied the menu and chatted between themselves, the woman knitted her brows.
I'll call the waitress, who walked to the table, Jane.
When the woman looked up and saw Jane, she nodded toward the man. “He’s never been here. Do you mind if we walk around for a few minutes to see the size of your portions?”
In a caring voice, Jane said, “Sure, go ahead. I’ll come back later.”
After the man and woman returned, Jane showed up. When they talked with her, even though I couldn’t hear their words, I watched Jane smile, nod, and point out items on the menu.
Within five minutes, the couple ordered. As Jane took their menus and moved closer to our table, I heard her say, “Yes ma’am, we can fix that however you like.”
Then, the woman asked her something else.
Jane said, “Of course, I’ll tell them to do that.”
After Jane left, the woman relaxed her shoulders, sat back in her seat, and talked with the man.
When Jane brought the food, a big smile spread across the woman’s face. “Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome. Enjoy your lunch.”
When we left, the man and woman talked and laughed as though they sat in a place as familiar as their own kitchen.
Sometimes, we have opportunities on the spur of the moment to care and show kindness to someone or not. We don’t always have time to ponder it, decide whether we want to lift someone up, or lend a helping hand, or not. When we have even a little of the love of Jesus in our hearts, we don’t need to think it over. It's part of us and shines in our lives like it does in Jane's, who brightened the day for two customers and made them feel comfortable, even though she was only required to take their order.
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)