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Looking in the Window: Happy Saint Patrick's Day and New Release, Dangerous Detour, Discipleship Series Book Two

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My wish for you comes from my favorite Irish blessing.

“May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

The rains fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of his hand.”

Who was Saint Patrick? Find out here and get the recipe for Irish Cream Brownies

I’m excited to announce my new release, Dangerous Detour, Discipleship Series Book Two. Even though it’s in a series, it can stand alone. 

Meet Moose and Ruthie, the hero and heroine in Dangerous Detour.

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Four people face a winter storm in the wilderness. Two have lost their way. One has lost his purpose and one has lost his soul.  

Headed home for Christmas vacation, Ruthie, a quiet professor, crosses paths with Moose, a football coach, on an icy blocked road in Western North Carolina. Amid a winter storm, they unknowingly take shelter in a killer’s hideout. Escaping under fire, they flee into a frozen, snow-covered forest. Trying to find their way out and shake the murderer, they dodge bullets each day until the temperature drops and the world turns quiet. Then, they set up camps to survive in the wilderness. Even though they grow attracted to each other, neither admits it until each of them suffers a frightening injury. Finally, they head to a house Ruthie sees in the distance. Will they meet a new friend, or a foe?

Buy on  Amazon 

Print copies coming soon. 

Check out Book One, Hidden Danger.

Read the Top Author review here

Buy on Amazon – Amazon

The photo for the cover for Dangerous Detour, courtesy of Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, North Carolina, was enhanced by my son-in-law, Jayson Litrio, and designed by my publisher Cynthia Hickey.


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