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Looking Out the Window: Danele Rotharmel Introduces Time Trap, The Second Book In The Time Counselor Chronicles

A Warm Welcome to Danele Rotharmel

She'll give away a signed print copy of Time Trap
and a “White Rose Prize Package” 
It contains the following items.

(U.S. residents only)

• A white rose teacup and saucer
• A white rose journal (Faith Sees the Invisible)

• A white rose notepad
To enter to win leave a comment and an e-mail address below
She also shares a favorite Bible verse and recipe
To Nourish the Soul

1 Corinthians 9:24, “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.”

Fond Memories And A Yummy Pecan Pie Recipe 

Pecan pie and 1 Corinthians 9:24 always remind me of my great-grandmother Kathryn. Kathryn was an extremely spunky lady. She worked hard, and if she wanted something done, she went out and did it herself. She taught herself carpentry skills and created elaborate shelves, bedroom closets, and kitchen cupboards. She even took the wood from apple crates and made fancy rocking chairs and dollhouses for her grandchildren. When she was in her seventies, she was still running footraces with her great-grandkids—and winning them too! Kathryn lived to be over one hundred years old. She left behind a wealth of wonderful recipes, a strong work ethic, and a heritage of devotion to the Lord. Today, when I think about giving up, or when I feel that life is too hard, I remember Kathryn and those long-ago footraces. She taught me that a well-lived life is one that focuses on God and tackles things with enthusiasm and gumption. She taught me to run my race fervently and joyfully.

Kathryn’s Pecan Pie
3 slightly beaten eggs
½ cup sugar
1 cup Karo syrup
1/8 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
¾ c. pecans
Sprinkle pecans into an unbaked, eight-inch pie shell. Mix the other ingredients together, stirring by hand. Pour the ingredients over the nuts. Bake at 325 degrees for 50 minutes.

Thank you! That sounds yummy! Now, tell us about Time Trap, your latest book.

Time Trap is the second book in The Time Counselor Chronicles, and it takes place four years after Gil Montgomery’s successful time surf in Time Tsunami. In Time Trap, two cadets go missing during a field exam, and Director Peter Matthews and Dr. Laura Nelson travel back through time to find them. Time Trap is squeaky-clean Christian fiction, and it’s full of romantic suspense. It not only contains time-travel twists, but it also contains funny scenes that are sure to make you laugh. One reader told me that Time Trap caused her to laugh out loud and also to hang onto the edge of her seat. I think that’s a magic combination, and I hope my readers will agree.

What inspired you to write this particular book?

Time Trap is the sequel to my first book, Time Tsunami. I wrote it because I’d fallen so in love with my characters that I couldn’t give them up. I had to find out what happened to them. I had to create more of their adventures. Simply put, I wrote Time Trap because I couldn’t bear not to!

What do you love about this book? And what do you hope readers will tell others about it?

I love the mystery aspect of Time Trap. In my book, Laura and Peter are trying to find two missing cadets. The man who kidnapped them keeps leaving clues to their location. Some of the clues are photographs, others are cryptograms, and others are snatches of poetry. I had a great time devising the clues and designing the cryptograms. I hope my readers have a blast trying to solve the clues with my characters. This book was extremely entertaining to write, and I hope my readers find it equally entertaining to read!

Does your faith affect your writing? How?

My faith is an important part of my life, and it naturally spills out into my writing. Not only do I write “squeaky-clean” fiction that Christians can buy with confidence, I also explore different aspects of faith in each of my books. In Time Trap, tips are given on how to develop a deeper relationship with God. Forgiveness, prayer, and faith during trial are also explored.

If you could interview any character in one of your books which one would it be? What shocking thing might that character say? Why?

The characters from my first book, Time Tsunami, fill the pages of Time Trap—and I love them all.

I’ve also added a few new faces to my cast of characters. Alex and Phoebe are sure to become fan favorites. Crystal and Marc are back, and their convoluted relationship is always good for a chuckle. But if I had to interview just one character from Time Trap, it would have to be Laura.

Dr. Laura Nelson is a fascinating character. She’s extremely smart; in fact, she started college at age sixteen. She’s a college professor and third-in-command at TEMCO. Laura has a calm demeanor. She’s always well dressed, and she rarely has a hair out of place. She doesn’t seem the sort of person who would be good in a fight, but she feels things deeply and isn’t one to stand by while others are being hurt. When it’s time to fight—everyone better watch out! Laura dives in and doesn’t hold back. In Time Trap, Laura must physically confront a man who is strong, ruthless, and brutal. When she must, Laura shoves down her fear and fights hard. I really admire that about her.

As far as a shocking thing she might say—I think it would be a warrior’s yell rather than actual words. The villain in this story doesn’t think Laura is a threat to his plans, but she proves him wrong in a rather spectacular way.

Time Trap sounds exciting. Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

My best advice would be to write what you love. Enjoy yourself! Have a blast! And most of all, try your best to honor God with your gift. Never write a single sentence that you would be ashamed to read to Jesus.

Thanks, Danele.

More about Time Trap

When problems arise during a field exam, Director Peter Matthews and Dr. Laura Nelson are sent through a time portal to investigate.  While they search for their missing cadets, they encounter an enemy who is calculating and brutal—a mysterious nemesis who is holding a grudge against the TEMCO program.  As Peter and Laura race to unravel clues directing them to their kidnapped cadets, their own survival comes into question.  A deadly trap has been set, and they are forced to pit their wits against a serial killer who is intent on playing a deadly chess game through time itself. 


Light pierced the darkness as the door to Peter and Laura’s prison swung open. In the quiet stillness, Peter stood in the shadows gripping his wire with both hands. Spider, wearing a ski mask and steel-toed boots, put a brick in the doorway and slowly advanced. Muted light shimmered on the barrel of a gun.

Peter began to sweat—his whole body quivered with the strain of waiting. He knew that with a gun in the mix, he needed to get the wire around Spider’s neck on the first try.

Spider laughed lowly as light fell on Laura. Seeing the way he was advancing toward her, Peter lunged from behind the door and wound his wire around Spider’s throat. Spider gave a strangled bellow and began to struggle. Peter grappled with him, dragging his thrashing body away from Laura. Suddenly, Spider’s gun went off. A bullet ricocheted around the room. “Laura,” Peter shouted frantically, “get down on the floor!”

Laura dove to the ground as the gun went off again.

Spider made horrible gurgling noises as Peter tightened the wire. Peter knew those sounds were going to haunt his dreams. Spider shoved his gun over his shoulder, ramming it in Peter’s face. Peter jerked to one side. A bullet whistled past his ear.

Spider thrashed wildly as Peter gave the wire another twist. Suddenly, the wire snapped—its brittle surface strained beyond its strength. Peter’s heart plummeted. He grabbed at Spider’s neck with his bare hands, but missed. Swinging on his heel, Spider pointed his gun at Laura.

Time froze.

Buy the Time Trap on Amazon
and Barnes and Noble

Bio: Danele Rotharmel grew up with a love of the literary word, and by age five, she knew she wanted to be a writer. However, her life took an unexpected turn when a mysterious illness brought her close to death. Eventually, she learned that a low-level carbon monoxide leak from a faulty furnace in her home was slowly poisoning her. This poisoning triggered severe Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and partial amnesia.

During this time, the hardest thing she faced was a crisis of faith. She had to quit her job and stop going to church. She couldn’t write, couldn’t drive, and could barely remember who she was. To say she was upset with the Lord was an understatement. She began reexamining her faith in light of her illness, and eventually, she came to the firm conclusion that God is real, God is good, God is interested and involved, and God is trustworthy regardless of tragedy.

When her illness became even more severe, she was put into quarantine and could only talk to friends and extended family through the glass of a window. This quarantine lasted for seven years. During this time, she wrote the first six books in The Time Counselor Chronicles.

Danele currently lives in Colorado where she continues to write. Although her journey back to health was long and difficult, it provided her with the opportunity to grow closer to God and to write her books. For that, she is forever thankful.

You can learn more about Danele by visiting her blog
Stop by Danele's welcome page
and her books page books page


Unknown said…
Thank you so much for having me on your blog, Gail! I really enjoyed working with you and talking with your readers!
Susan said…
If Time Trap is anywhere near as good as Time Tsunami, all readers are in for a treat. I am planning to order the book for my church library (I will read it first, of course). White roses make for an awfully nice prize! Mt estate sale company is named "White Rose Estate Sales!
I love pecan pie. That recipe looks delicious! Thanks for the info about the story. :-)
Unknown said…
Dear Susan, I'm so glad that you enjoyed Time Tsunami!!! Hearing that makes me very happy!! I hope that you love Time Trap just as much! And thank you for making sure that my books are in your church library! That's so kind and thoughtful of you! I really appreciate it! I think the name "White Rose Estate Sales" is lovely. It brings to mind fine china and beautiful furniture. I hope you have a wonderful day! Thanks so much for commenting!
Unknown said…
Dear Melissa, I love pecan pie too!!! Ooooooo!!!! It is SO incredibly YUMMY!!! My great-grandmother's pies were always the highlight of Thanksgiving. I'm glad that you enjoyed learning more about Time Trap, and I hope you have a terrific day!
This book sounds intense!!! Thank you for the recipe for Pecan Pie...One of my favorites!
Unknown said…
Hello, Trailer Park Couture NC! I'm so glad that you think Time Trap sounds intense! I really tried to make it a page turner! And I love pecan pie too! It's so delicious! Thank you for commenting! I hope you have a great day!
Unknown said…
KELLY DE LANCE says: "I adore Danele, and I'm inspired by her writing. This interview was a good one."

Dear Kelly, thank you so much for your lovely comment! It made my day! I'm sorry that your original comment didn't post. Gail and I have entered you into the contest. I hope you have a wonderful day!! I'm so glad that you enjoyed this interview!
Deanna Stevens said…
I would like to read this one too! The pie would be a perfect to serve with the tea set :)
Susan P said…
Oh Kathryn sounds like a true gem! Thanks for sharing about her and your book. I truly hope I can be that kind of grandma when I get older. :)
Unknown said…
Your grandmother sounds like an awesome lady. I have lots of fun memories of both of my grandmothers. Loved Time Trap.
imathill said…
I can only hope and pray that I can be that type of Grandmother (Nana). One who leaves footprints on the heart and unforgetable memories along the way. I'm exctied to read Time Trap. You're a wonderful author and beautiful woman of God.
Renette Steele said…
It is such a blessing to have not only grandparents but great grandparents. My great grandma was known as everyones grandma. She taught herself how to play the piano. She could whip up a meal for 20 out of a few ingredients for 4. I loved watching her comb her long hair( never been cut)
Thank you for sharing your great grandma and your memories of her with us. a real blessing indeed.
I have finally begun Time Trap and am so excited to see what happens. Reading it is like reading a letter from old friends.

May your day be blessed with His SONshine
Unknown said…
Wow!! Wow!!! WOW!!! Dear Deanna, Susan P., Ann, Imathill, and Renette, your wonderful comments blew me away!! They were so much fun to read! I'm glad that you enjoyed this interview and that you liked hearing about my great-grandmother. Kathryn really was a lovely woman. I can remember how her eyes twinkled with fun when she would challenge one of us to a footrace. Her upbeat, can-do attitude had such an impact on my life! Ann, I'm so glad that you enjoyed "Time Trap," and Renette, I hope you enjoy every minute of it! Renette, I love the fact that you feel as if reading "Time Trap" is like reading a letter from old friends! What a lovely compliment! And Deanna and Imathill, I'm so glad that you are looking forward to reading my book. And Imathill, thank you so much for your kind words! They meant so much to me! Susan P. and Imathill, I know you are both going to be wonderful grandmothers! Ladies, thank you all for your lovely comments! I hope you have a truly wonderful day!
Robin in NC said…
Oh my goodness...Time Trap sounds like a real page turner! I can just picture myself kicked back in my comfy chair, reading Time Trap while sipping hot tea from my beautiful & enjoying a slice of fresh pecan pie! ;)
Thanks for sharing the interview, excerpt & the chance to win!
rw620 AT aol DOT com
Carlene said…
Sounds like another great read from Danele. Good-looking recipe, too. Can't beat those grandma dishes..
Unknown said…
Dear Robin, I'm so glad that you enjoyed this interview and that you think you'll enjoy "Time Trap." I wrote my books as a way to entertain myself, and it makes me very happy to know that other people are enjoying my books too! I'm glad you liked the recipe! It really is delicious!

Dear Carlene, I'm so glad that you think "Time Trap" sounds like a great read! And I agree--there really isn't anything that can beat grandma dishes. They really hit the spot! This is the pie that my family always has on Thanksgiving and Christmas. When I was growing up, I couldn't wait to get a taste!

Thanks so much for commenting, Robin and Carlene! I hope you both have a lovely afternoon!
Robin in NC said…
Thank you! You too Danele!
Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness! I love time travel stories! This is right up my alley. Can't wait to get my hands on it. And your prize package... How did you know I collect tea cups and journals? ;-)
Unknown said…
Dear Shelley, I love time travel stories too!!! Time travel creates so many opportunities for plot twists! I had such a blast writing this book--I hope you really love it! And I'm so glad that you like the prize package! I collect tea cups too--and I've been writing in journals since the 4th grade. I always try to give prizes that I would enjoy receiving--it makes me happy to know that this one hit the target with you! I hope you have a lovely day. Thanks so much for commenting!

Sonja said…
I love time travel stories too! Wow, I really would love to read this.
Can't wait to read the rest of the series!!
Unknown said…
Dear Sonja, time travel stories are SO much fun!! Whether I'm writing them, or reading them, they always push my imagination into overdrive! I think they're a blast!!! I'm so glad that you would like to read my book. I did my best to make it a page turner! I hope you really enjoy it!

Dear Pamela, I'm so glad that you've been enjoying "The Time Counselor Chronicles." Writing my books has been an incredible blessing. I used them to distract myself from the pain of my illness. My books were my attempt to turn something bad into something good. Knowing that they've become spots of joy in other people's lives makes me incredibly happy!

Sonja and Pamela, thank you so much for your comments! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Caryl McAdoo said…
Great interview, and that pecan pie recipe sounds so easy! Thanks for sharing! Hugs and blessings!

Lisa Lickel said…
And a recipe too...what a deal!
Unknown said…
Dear Caryl and Lisa, thank you so much for commenting! I'm glad that you enjoyed the interview and that you liked the recipe! The pie is very easy to make, and it's VERY yummy! I hope you both have a wonderful day!
What a wonderfully fun interview. Thank you Gail for sharing more of our delightful Danele with us and, of course, Time Trap. I love the pecan pie recipe! j <
Caryl Kane said…
Hello Gail and Danele! I enjoyed the fun interview. Thank you for the yummy pecan pie recipe.

Blessings to you both!
Shirley said…
Thank you both for the interview and giveaway. Thanks for sharing the story of your great-grandmother. She sounds like a wonderful lady. I look forward to reading this book.
Unknown said…
Dear Joyce, Caryl, and Shirley, I'm so glad that you enjoyed this interview! Thank you for your wonderful comments! I hope you enjoy the pie and that you also enjoy "Time Trap!" Thanks again! I hope you have a great day!
Unknown said…
I love pecan pie. Your book sounds interesting. I am always looking to read from Christian authors I haven't read before. Thanks for the chance to win.
Unknown said…
Dear Stephanie, I love pecan pie too; in fact, it's my favorite type of pie! I'm so glad that you think "Time Trap" looks interesting! I really tried to make it a page turner! Thank you so much for your lovely comment! I hope you have a great day!
Unknown said…
Congratulations, Pamela Nastase! The drawing has been held, and you're the winner! I hope you really enjoy your prize!

I want to thank everyone for their wonderful comments! You made this interview so much fun! I really appreciate your participation and support!

I also want to thank Gail for giving me the opportunity to talk with all of you! Gail, you're absolutely wonderful! I had such a great time being here! Thank you!

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