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Looking Out The Window: Writing and Film Professor Kimberly Miller Shares The Story Behind Forgiving Tess

A Warm Welcome To Kimberly Miller

Hi Kimberly, Thanks for stopping by to tell us about writing Forgiving Tess.

My recently-published novel, Forgiving Tess, explores some of the nuances of forgiveness in our lives—not just the obvious issues like forgiving others or praying that they will fully forgive us when we’ve wronged them, but also the challenge of truly and completely forgiving ourselves. The last one can sometimes be the hardest of all.

Isn’t it fascinating that the Bible is filled with scriptures that encourage us to ask forgiveness and then let God’s grace wash over us, the healing balm we need and so often, and so sadly, we refuse, thinking we can do it all ourselves?

As I worked through this novel, I imagined I’d use a Bible verse or two to help tell Tess’s story and the ways in which she learns, eventually, to accept others’ forgiveness and ultimately to embrace her own as well. What I found was that I had such a difficult time scaling down all the scripture that I ended up including a verse at the start of each chapter, and at times within the story as well.

At first I found this to be frustrating. After all, this was not the plan I’d made for this novel. But of course, it quickly became apparent that God wanted this story to be told His way, not mine.
As writers it’s tempting to cling to the reins of the story we want to tell, intent on making it take the shape we see. What I found in writing Forgiving Tess was that letting go made her story stronger, and hopefully more encouraging and helpful to my readers.

In case you’re wondering what some of the scriptures were that I included, here’s a short list that might be of encouragement to you, and also for my readers, might help make stronger connections between the scripture and story:

I can do all things through him who strengthens me. –Philippians 4:13 (When Tess first meets Josh and begins to see the glimmer of an honest, pure love she’d never dreamed could be hers, she almost as quickly has to leave him. But returning to her hometown, where she’s become the woman everyone talks about, means that hiding and dreaming are no longer options. This verse was intended to speak to the spark of strength, the growing faith, on which she’ll rely to get her through)

For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. -Romans 3:23 (I included this one to illustrate that Tess’s past, while definitely negative, didn’t make her worse than anyone else in her life- despite what she’d been trying to convince herself to believe)

But the Lord said until Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. – 1 Samuel 16:7 (Tess finally recognizes that she has become exactly the person God needs her to be. This verse also illustrates that those who doubted Tess’s conversion finally trust that she has made the changes in her life that mean she is a new person. This reminder asks us all to see what’s inside, not what’s outside.)

I suppose the lesson I learned while writing Forgiving Tess was, as a planner, to be a little more open in my writing process—especially with how, where, and when to include scripture.

Happy writing, friends!

 About Forgiving Tess 

Tess Carson had finally turned her life around. After a string of bad decisions, she was making amends, paying back debts, and working to bring her family back together. It was her own forgiveness that remained elusive.

So when Tess’s childhood crush re-enters her chaotic life, she’s certain it’s the worst time for romance. Even if he still has those mesmerizing dimples.

In Tess’s eyes, Josh Thorne has it all. As a youth pastor with a thriving ministry, he’s exactly what she needs. He’s stable, kind, confident, and not afraid of Tess’s troubled past—even if she still has an entire town that insists her sins will never be forgotten.

But when the demons of her past collide with the incredible promise of her future, Tess wonders if it’s possible to forget and if she has enough courage in her to forgive.

Buy Forgiving Tess on Amazon


Kimberly M. Miller is a writing and film professor by day, author by night. She enjoys watching movies, making jewelry, and creating fun stories for her readers. Currently, Kimberly has two published novels, Picking Daisy and Forgiving Tess, but she looks forward to bringing more romance your way soon!

Visit Kimberly on Facebook


Lisa Lickel said…
I love hearing about the author's journey in writing. That's a story in itself.
Wow! I always love hearing how books come about and how God will change our story's direction if we let Him.

Sounds like an incredible book, Kimberly
Good luck and God's blessings with it

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