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Looking Out The Window: Jennifer Slattery Talks About Her new Book, Restoring Her Faith. Shares A Personal Experience And Gives Away A Print Copy.

A Warm Welcome to Jennifer Slattery

Jennifer will give away a print copy (U.S. residents only) of Restoring Her Faith. To enter to win leave a comment and an email address below.

Jennifer Shares A Personal Experience About Her Faith

Sometimes the best choices are the hardest to make. Sometimes wisdom appears foolish and faith fanatical. As a young mother striving to live for Jesus, I quickly learned just how contrary the things of God appeared to those who don’t understand Him.

When I chose to stay home, there were those who thought I was lazy.

When I attempted to follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance and guard our daughter’s influences, I was accused of sheltering her. I was told my actions would ultimately harm her and leave her maladjusted.

My attempts to explain, or perhaps more accurately, to defend my choice, didn’t help. Although I shouldn’t have expected any different. My discussion of God’s leading—of His gentle voice, spoken softly yet clearly to my heart—and the deep assurance that followed made no sense to those who had never heard Him.

For those who find such claims delusional: “She claims to hear from God,” they say, with a raised eyebrow and slight smirk. “Does she talk to the Easter Bunny too?”

Over time, I learned to be a little more cautious regarding what I share and with whom. And honestly, I hate that. I hate that I so often allow other people’s opinions to hold me back. I wish, like Paul, I could boldly and consistently say, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes …” and then back this up with my actions.

I’ve been ridiculed by my peers. He’d been imprisoned for his faith. I’d stood against cultural opposition to raise our daughter. He stood against the religious elite and angry mobs. I’ve been excluded from certain groups due to my “passion for Jesus”, but he’d been smuggled out of Berea in order to save his life.

There’s a lot of reasons I could give for why, at times, sharing the gospel makes my stomach knot and my palms get sweaty, and yet, in each instance, it comes down to this—whenever I stifle God’s message within, I’m putting my pride above someone else’s salvation.

When I look at it that way, my concerns and fears seem petty at best.

I imagine Paul felt as I have, on many occasions. Otherwise why the need to make such a bold and declarative statement—for I am not ashamed. Unless maybe he’d been tempted to feel ashamed in the past—perhaps when mobs of angry people shook their fists at him, spit on him, and hurled stones at him. Or perhaps others, maybe even believers in Rome, had demonstrated that they were ashamed of him. Or maybe he was simply stating a fact with all the courage the Holy Spirit allowed—I am not ashamed! No matter what others say, no matter how foolish or irrational my words appeared, I choose to speak life.

Even if it costs me mine.

Lord, help me have that same confidence Paul demonstrated again and again, regardless how others respond or how unpopular Your message appears. Because life’s too short and there’s too much at stake for any of Your children to remain silent.

Life’s much too short and Your love for the broken too strong for any of us, Your mouthpieces, to live afraid.

To the contrary! As ambassadors of the sovereign King, we can walk into any and every situation with our heads held high, our voices sure, and our message clear: “I am not ashamed, and I refuse to be, because the words I speak have power and life.”

About Restoring Her Faith

She left belief behind…Yet this family could change her mind.

With two boys to raise, a fledgling contracting business to run and a family ranch to keep afloat, widower Drake Owens finds his hands aren't just full they're overflowing. When Faith Nichols is hired to help him renovate the church, he's drawn to the beautiful artist, but he can't fall for a woman who isn't a believer. Can love restore her faith and his heart?

Buy Restoring Her Faith here

Bio:  Jennifer Slattery is a writer and international speaker who’s addressed women’s groups, church groups, Bible studies, and other writers across the nation. She’s the author of six contemporary novels maintains a devotional blog found at Jennifer Slattery Lives Out Loud. She has a passion for helping women discover, embrace, and live out who they are in Christ. As the founder of  Wholly Loved Ministries, she and her team partner with churches to facilitate events designed to help women rest in their true worth and live with maximum impact. When not writing, reading, or editing, Jennifer loves going on mall dates with her adult daughter and coffee dates with her hilariously fun husband.


Nancy said…
I LOVE your story, I've been the target of the type of treatment you spoke of, for years. It only strengthens my faith. Your thoughts about it, and reaction to it, are very good, quite Godly. Dig your heels in and hold on, never give up, never give in.
Thank you for this inspirational and encouraging story.

Romans 10:8-13
Jennifer, when you get those attacks, remember they're spiritual in nature. Also, remember this: 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 King James Version (KJV)

18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
Lisa Garrity said…
Hi Jennifer,
I admire your courage for sticking to your beliefs even in the face of adversity. I am a working mom (out of necessity) and have faced criticism for working. I have learned that we all have a calling and God can use us where we're planted and we just have to listen to Him not people so that we can bloom and give Him the glory.
Anonymous said…
Your book cover is attractive and your story is appealing!
Vivian Furbay said…
This sounds like an interesting story and I would like to see if her faith and belief in Jesus are restored. Vivian Furbay jtandviv (at) q (dot) com
Erin Lorence said…
What a great witness! I'm encouraged by your thoughts about evangelism, and I bet your book represents your passion as well. It sounds like a great read. Nice work!
Very nice your blog and article. I like this blog thank for sharing reviewzoneseason

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