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Looking out the Window: Barbara Britton Shares How Jesus Changed Her Life and Talks about her Biblical Fiction Book Defending David. Giveaway.


A Warm Welcome to Barbara Britton

Barbara will give away an e-Book or print copy (U.S. residents only) of Defending David. Enter the Rafflecopter contest below to for a chance to win the book.

Barbara shares a personal post about the meaning of Easter.

Seeing The World through The “Jesus Lens”

By Barbara M. Britton

If you had told me in grade school that I would be a multi-published author of Biblical Fiction and that I would stand before bleachers full of students telling Bible stories and sharing the love of Jesus, I would have squinted at you and asked, “Who’s Jesus and what’s a Bible?”

I grew up in a loving family, but at Christmas it was all about the presents, and at Easter it was all about the chocolate. But, I had questions that a new doll or a cream egg couldn’t fill. 

Death frightened me like it does many children. Dying didn’t make sense to me. I loved my family, and they were unique and fun and caring, so the purpose of their being was to poof die. That was it. I questioned why there was no rhyme or reason to life. 

Everything changed when a Christian friend invited my mother to Bible Study Fellowship. My mom went and learned about Jesus. She learned Jesus was the Son of God who died for our sins and conquered death. There was a purpose to life—to love and serve God. God was the Creator. He created the world and the people in it. God didn’t spin the world and watch from the sidelines; He is intimately involved in the lives of believers. 

My mom took my sister and I to church and I learned about Jesus. I was ecstatic to learn that life had meaning. Death wasn’t the end, but a continuation of the everlasting life I would receive by recognizing my sin and believing and trusting in Jesus. Jesus paid for my sin with his death, but he rose from the dead to conquer the death grip of sin. With my faith in God came something very important. I received like all believers, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I understand life differently now and I can have joy no matter what I go through in life.

How can I explain to people how I see life differently with the Holy Spirit? I rarely type #faith on Twitter as I will get atheists trying to rattle my faith. My husband says not to engage with them, but I do. I’m polite and defend my faith, but I ultimately have to tell them that they will never understand how I view life because they don’t have the Holy Spirit. I’m not mean about it, but it’s the truth. They are stuck looking at life like I did as a child. I feel for them because I was there, but now I’m not.

My truth is that I lived in a world that made no sense to me. Now it does, but only because I met Jesus through His Word and the preaching of the Bible and when I trusted the truth, the Holy Spirit gave me Kingdom glasses. 

I’m also trolled on social media that Biblical Fiction is an oxymoron. The Bible is alive and well. I’m always learning life lessons from it and deepening my love of God and His Son. 

How do you see life through the lens of Jesus and His love for you? Romans 10:9-10 says it succinctly:

“That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”


I wish everyone experienced the joy of Easter. The realization that Jesus conquered death and rose from the dead, so we may have eternal life with Him. In the meantime, I’ll keep faithing and telling everyone how I was lost in a hopeless world until I found the meaning of life in Jesus.

Check out this cool verse on the Holy Spirit: Acts 2:38-39

The “Romans Road” to Knowing Jesus:

Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8 10:9-10

P.S. I still eat the chocolate eggs at Easter, but an empty plastic egg reminds me that Jesus is alive!

About Defending David:  Biblical Fiction from II Samuel, Chapters 15-19:8.

When a quiet journey to Jerusalem turns tragic, newly orphaned Rimona must flee a kinsman set on selling her as a slave. Racing into the rocky hills outside of Hebron, Rimona is rescued by a Philistine commander journeying to Jerusalem with six-hundred warriors.

Exiled commander, Ittai the Gittite, is seeking refuge in the City of David. Protecting a frantic Hebrew woman is not in his leadership plan. Although, having a nobleman's niece in his caravan might prove useful for finding shelter in a foreign land.

Rimona and Ittai arrive in Jerusalem on the eve of a rebellion. In the chaos of an heir's betrayal, will they be separated forever, or can they defend King David and help the aging monarch control his rebellious son?

Buy Defending David on Amazon


Barbara M. Britton lives in Wisconsin and loves the snow—when it accumulates under three inches. She writes Biblical fiction and enjoys bringing little-known Bible characters to light in her stories. Barb is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, and Romance Writers of America. She has a nutrition degree from Baylor University but loves to dip healthy strawberries in chocolate. Find out more about Barb and her books on her Website 

You can also connect with Barbara on Twitter


Instagram: Barbara Britton (@barbarambritton)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Carlene said…
Wonderful Post!! I, too, wish we could come up with a better description than "Biblical Fiction" for stories based on the Bible.
Barbara Britton said…
Hi Carlene. I appreciate your kind comments about my post. Many authors will use Historical Fiction set in Biblical Times as a genre for Biblical Fiction. That is a mouthful of words when promoters want sayings that are short and sweet. Thank you for joining us.
Jody said…
I love how you bring these Biblical characters to life. This is on my To Read list. Hope I get to it soon. Great article!
Sonja said…
I was surprised how much I enjoyed Biblical Fiction. The characters become so relatable and real. Love that.
Carol James said…
Barbara, thanks for sharing your testimony. I love hearing your “backstory.” Congratulations on Defending David. It’s a beautiful story of love and faithfulness.
Barbara Britton said…
Hi Jody. I love discovering new-to-me Bible characters. There are too many that I don't know about. I'm happy you joined us.
Barbara Britton said…
Hi Sonja. I enjoy Biblical Fiction, too. It helps me remember Bible stories and understand that the Bible is 66 books, but 1 story. Thanks for being here.
Barbara Britton said…
Thank you for your encouraging words on "Defending David," Carol. Never would I have dreamed that God would have me writing books about the Bible. Thanks for joining us.
Karen Malley said…
It was nice to hear some of your history. We're all lost until Jesus saves us. I love Romans 10:9. It's so simple, yet we make it so complicated. I enjoy Biblical fiction because it helps me remember the people who may only have a line or two in scripture are real people with entire stories of their own. Best of luck on your new release!
Barbara Britton said…
Hi Karen. Thanks for joining us. Yes, Romans 10:9 is simple and life changing. I love discovering new stories in the Bible. I was shocked that there were so many I didn't know.
Unknown said…
Love this post, Barbara! I grew up in a loving home where my parents went to church but never talked about Christ. It took going to a neighboring church's production of a Christian musical (when I was in high school) for me to have an encounter with the living God. I'm so grateful that you're writing Biblical fiction and hope you keep it coming indefinitely!
Barbara Britton said…
Hi Unknown. I am so happy that you have a relationship with Jesus. I'm thankful a neighbor invited my mom to Bible Study Fellowship so my mom would realize she didn't know Jesus. I plan to keep on writing Biblical Fiction and Christian stories. I'm glad you joined us.
What a beautiful testimony, Barbara!

I can't wait to read my copy of Defending David!

Good luck and God's blessings to you AND Gail.
Barbara Britton said…
Thank you, Pam. Blessings to you as well. I'm happy you joined us.
kaybee said…
Barbara, this is a good post and so welcome during Holy Week. Thank you for sharing your spiritual journey with us.
Kathy B
Barbara Britton said…
Hi Kathy. I am happy to share my faith journey. I hope it resonates with readers. Thanks for being here. Have a blessed Easter.

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