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Looking in the Window: A Certificate and Review from Top Author for Hidden Danger, Christian Romantic Suspense (Discipleship Series Book 1)

Wow! Thank you Top Author. I’m excited to share your in-depth review, which gives a close look at Hidden Danger.

In Hidden Danger Emily Hanover’s left standing at the altar on her wedding day. She endures heartache, becomes the target of a criminal and pursues him before she finally gets help from Nick Lancaster, an ex-military officer turned security guard.

Book Review

Hidden Danger by Gail Pallotta

When I started Hidden Danger by Gail Pallotta, I could sense that it was going to be a suspenseful ride, and it did not disappoint. This book, the first in the Discipleship Series, is a mix of Christian values, romance, and a good old-fashioned mystery that kept me hooked to the book. The author Gail Pallotta doesn’t just tell a story; she crafts an experience that pulls you in with its twists and turns, relatable characters, and thought-provoking themes of faith and redemption. It’s the kind of book that hooks you from the start and refuses to let go until the very last page.

The Plot

After being left at the altar in Blue Mountain, North Carolina, Emily Hanover retreats to the quiet Sky High Campground to put her life back together. It’s off-season, and she finds herself alone, hoping to find peace. But her calm is shattered when strange noises wake her in the middle of the night. Looking outside, she’s horrified to see a shadowy figure carrying what seems like a body across her yard, throwing her into a state of panic.

Seeking help, Emily turns to Nick Lancaster, the campground’s tough security guard and former military officer. Though initially doubtful of Emily’s story, Nick becomes concerned after discovering freshly dug holes around the campground. Together, they start to unravel a dark scheme that poses a greater threat than they could have imagined. As Emily and Nick dig deeper, they find themselves caught in a dangerous game—and unexpectedly drawn to each other. But with secrets lurking in the shadows, will they be able to trust each other long enough to survive?

What we liked

What I liked about Hidden Danger is how Gail Pallotta weaves themes of faith into the story without feeling too heavy-handed. The idea that even a little faith, as small as a mustard seed, can help you through tough times is naturally integrated into the narrative. Emily and Nick both struggle with their faith, making them feel like real, relatable people. Emily is trying to pick up the pieces after being left behind, and Nick battles his own shadows from his military days. Their chemistry builds organically, and their gradual trust in each other is believable and engaging. The stakes rise as they uncover a sinister plot far more intricate than they initially imagined, showcasing Pallotta's skill as a storyteller.

Gail’s writing is clear and easy to follow, making this book a quick read. She deftly incorporates biblical principles without being preachy, resonating with Christian readers and those who appreciate a well-told tale of love and danger. The recurring themes - God's love, faith as small as a mustard seed, and witnessing to others - are seamlessly woven into the plot. As Emily and Nick grapple with the unfolding mystery, they also wrestle with their faith, giving the novel a deeper, more introspective dimension.

The romance between Emily and Nick is sweet and builds up slowly, which I loved. Their connection felt real and not rushed, which is a big plus. Their relationship isn’t just about attraction; it’s about trust, respect, and shared beliefs, making it even more meaningful.

The Author – Gail Pallotta

Award-winning author Gail Pallotta is a devoted wife, mother, avid swimmer, and bargain shopper who finds joy in God, beach sunsets, and spending time with friends and family. A 2013 Grace Awards finalist, she also earned a Reader’s Favorite 2017 Book Award and was a TopShelf 2020 Book Awards finalist. Gail has authored seven books, along with poems, short stories, and hundreds of articles. Notably, some of her articles are featured in anthologies, and two have found their way into museum collections. Gail loves connecting with her readers. Stay updated by signing up for her newsletter at and explore her work on her website at


By the end of Hidden Danger, I felt like I’d been on a real journey—not just through a mystery, but also through faith and healing. Gail Pallotta has crafted a story that will appeal to fans of Christian fiction and romantic suspense alike. She reminds us that in the face of danger and uncertainty, faith can be our strongest ally—and sometimes, it can also lead us to unexpected love. It’s a feel-good book that’ll keep you on the edge of your seat and leave you with a smile. For readers looking for a book that combines the thrill of mystery with the warmth of a faith-filled romance, Hidden Danger is a highly recommended read.

A Brief Excerpt

Chapter One

Emily Hanover jumped and sat straight up in the bed.

She hadn’t been dreaming. There it was again, a scraping noise and banging outside the cabin. With a shaky hand she reached for her cell phone and the after-hours number for Larry, the security guard who checked her in at Sky High Campground. She stopped in mid-air. Thinking only of getting her life back together, she’d forgotten to charge her phone.

The clanging grew louder, more intense. You are our only visitor. Larry had told her. “Few people come to the North Carolina Mountains in January and February, so the managers take off. Another guard, Nick Lancaster who’s on break from college, will be in the office tomorrow.”

With a tremor running through her fingers, Emily plugged the phone into the charger. She flinched each time someone hit stone. With what? A shovel. Yes. It banged into a boulder and resounded in the wind howling around the corner of the house.

Quivering, she slid her feet to the floor. Another round of metal met granite. She raised a blind in the bedroom window, stared at the blackness outside, and let the blind drop. She could see no one. Yet, the shovel vibrations echoed. Whoever hit the rock was really angry. She chewed her knuckle. She’d make herself small and hide. She scooted under the covers and shook.

She had traveled here to renew her spirit in these awe-inspiring mountains. After Donnie West dumped her at the altar, she had yearned to rest and regroup at Sky High. A clank rang out, but this time it reverberated inside her. She would no longer lay here and let a trespasser ruin her vacation. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and forced her body up.

She started to turn on the lights. No. She pulled back her hand. Whoever was outside would see her. She snatched pepper spray and a flashlight from the nightstand and started to the country kitchen, nearly dropping the items as she crept down the hall.

Lord, please help me. First, Donnie. Now this. Please help.

As she peered out the small kitchen window over the sink, the shovel blasted into the silence again. She cringed. Only a person up to no good would invade someone else’s yard in the middle of the night.

She tiptoed past the dining area and the rock fireplace. Her stomach churned as she crossed the room. Finally, she reached the large sliding glass door in the living area. Careful not to touch the drapes, she peeked out the small crack between two panels. No one was there. Had the person outside left? Hope rippled over her. She waited to make sure though. A man with long hair passed outside on her porch. She yanked the drapes shut as tight as she could.

He carried a body.

Hidden Danger is available in Kindle, paperback and audio on Amazon 


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