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Looking out the Window: Introducing Deborah Malone's New Devotional Book, Bloom in Your Winter Season. Celebrating the Release with a Giveawy of Hair Calamities and Hot Cash.


My friend, Deborah Malone, compiled a book of devotionals, Bloom in Your Winter Season.

To Celebrate Deborah’s New Book, I’ll give away a Kindle copy of Hair Calamities and Hot Cash to a U.S. resident. To enter leave a comment and your email address and enter the Rafflecopter contest.

The book features twenty-three contributing authors, including yours truly.

Deborah says, “Ladies there is good news for you! God did not stamp an expiration date on our foreheads. Just ask the “seasoned” women from the Bible if God used them – Sarah, Miriam, and Naomi are just a few he used in mighty ways.

Bloom in Your Winter Season will introduce you to many more women who were still active in ministry during their mature years. After discovering these women’s journeys during their winter seasons, you will find that He can and will use you too, and learn to become a Winter Warrior for God.

What Others Are Saying

Debbie Macomber, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author says, “With insight and spiritual maturity, Deborah Malone reveals we can bloom in our winter season.

From the depths of her own life’s experiences, Deborah Malone teaches us that God can use our most challenging seasons to bring him glory. Bloom in Your Winter Season will remind you that there is no expiration date on God’s plan for our life. Babbi Mason, Singer, Author, Speaker.

“The winter season for believers in Christ is one of reflection and great wisdom. Bloom in Your Winter Season is a beautiful offering of God’s wisdom hidden among the lives of women in the Bible. The individual studies contrast lives of these wise women of the Word and offer a unique perspective to women of faith today. Deborah Malone has created a study that inspires and builds a woman’s faith and hope in God. The winter season is beautiful.

Readers can find my devotional, "Women, The Gospels and Miracles" on the This and That page of Gail's Book Nook, my website. 

Buy Bloom in Your Winter Season on Amazon 

Bio: Deborah Malone has a degree in Human Services and worked in the field several years before starting her writing career. Deborah's first novel Death in Dahlonega, finaled in the American Christian Fiction Writer's Category Five writing contest! Deborah was also nominated for 2012 and 2013 Georgia Author of the Year in Novel category and was award the Georgia Author of the Year Award in 2018 for Blooming in Broken Places. She has worked as a freelance writer and photographer, for the historic magazine Georgia Backroads since 2001. She has had many articles and photographs published, and her writing is featured in Tales of the Rails, edited by Olin Jackson, as well as the "Christian Communicator" and "Southern Writer's Magazine." She is a member of the Georgia Writer's Association, Advanced Writer's and Speaker's Association and the American Christian Fiction Writers. Deborah lives with her husband Travis in the North Georgia mountains.

About the Giveaway

Hair Calamities and Hot Cash is a TopShelf 2020 Finalist in their Fiction: Humor, Comedy Category

What happens when a New York stockbroker crashes his car into Eve Castleberry's North Carolina beauty shop ... on the same day the young widow's defective hair products are causing wild hairdos? Soon, Eve finds herself helping the handsome stranger hunt the thieves who stole his clients’ cash...and hot on the trail of two of the FBI's most-wanted criminals!

Romance blossoms amid danger, suspense and Eve's hair-brained plan to get back the money. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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